Saturday 12 March 2016

10 CARDINAL RULES OF LOVE: Follow These SimpleRules To Create An Extraordinary Relationship

10 CARDINAL RULES OF LOVE: Follow These SimpleRules To Create An Extraordinary Relationship

14 February·PublicIt’s Valentine’s Day. A day when so many of us go that extra mile to show our partners what they mean to us. But why settle for doing that just for one day out of the year? Why not create a new standard for your relationship, or for the relationship you desire, so that you can live an extraordinary life full of love, passion and excitement?It truly is in the little things that we can create a depth of love. And by following these 10 cardinal rules of love, you can start to magnify and celebrate the positive in your relationship. You can start to make your partner feel appreciated, safe, protected and most importantly, loved. Remember, a relationship is notabout what you get, it’s about what you give, each and every day. So don’tsettle for one day of giving your best, make it a lifetime commitment, and learn how to take your relationship to the next level.

1) Never question the intent or the identity of the person with whom you’re in a relationship with or the nature of the relationship itself. Just because you’ve experienced a problem today doesn’t mean the relationship itself is a problem.2) Don’t correct your spouse. Instead, interrupt the pattern in a fun and effective way.3) Don’t get stuck in a repetitious pattern. If things aren’t working, change your approach — your perception, actions, responsibility frame, etc.4) Never threaten the relationship.

5) Commit to CANI — constant and never-ending improvement — in your relationships. It’s the key to fulfillment.6) Each day, take pride in your consistent ability to notice, appreciate,and compliment all of the great, wonderful, fantastic, awesome, exciting and unique aspects of your partner.7) Never compare your relationship tothat of others — a sure formula for disaster.8) Remember that all upsets with another person are rules upsets. Decide to value your relationship over the rules. Create a fun pattern interrupt that you and your partner can use in order to change states easily.9) Reinforce your sense of connection through positive anchors such as family rituals or annual traditions.10) Decide that it’s more important to be in love than to be right-

by Tony Robbins

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