Saturday 12 March 2016

Ramayana - The Opposing Forces

Ramayana - The Opposing Forces

The great war between Lord Rama and the Lord of Lanka - Ravana, esoterically is an inner spiritual battle which occurs on your bodily field of activity.

Maharishi Valmikh here was describing the opposing forces to Rama (the soul) which the meditating devotee must slay through one-pointed concentration (Lakshmana) and pranayama (Hanumana) to bring the Kundalini Shakti (Sita) back from Lanka (Muldahara Chakra) to Ayodhya (Ajna Chakra).The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali says that the Lord or Isvara is untouched by:Karma - ActionVipaka - HabitAshaya - DesireKlesha - Trouble which is divided into - Avidya - Ignorance, Asmita - Ego, Raga - attachement, Dvesha - Aversion and Abhinivesha - Body attachment.Maharishi Valmikh was describing the slaying of the above including Kama or Lust in which ego lures man to continually seek self-satisfaction which results in suffering and anger.

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