Saturday 12 March 2016



A largely unconfessed, yet intense psychological suffering is widespread among citizens of the present civilization.Materialism based on personal desire generates unnecessary pain, and it does so in quantities that are beyond description.Only a true healing process can allow society andits individuals to understand psychological pain - a teacher of our mankind -, and walk along the path to liberation from it, toward higher levels of learning.The first step is to observe each aspect of life fromthe point of view of our sacred potentialities.Unchecked materialism is difficult to uproot because desires and impulses are not entirely voluntary. The “automatic wishes” do not consult with the persons they haunt and misguide.

Energetic vampires rarely have any respect for their victims. The roots of mistakes in human behavior are largely involuntary and involve a philosophical sort of diagnosis, prescription, and healing.Selfish behavior and unethical personal decisions are to be fought and shown as unproductive, self-defeating and harmful to others. However, they result from something much bigger than themselves: ignorance.In order to heal the disease of selfishness, or ignorance, the theosophical prescription is simple.

It is by regaining one’s conscious contact with the Universe that one heals oneself from spiritual blindness and its numerous forms of visible suffering. Such afflictions are generated by fear (which is a form of desire); by ambition (also a form of desire); and by attachment to other feelings of a narrow, personal nature.Esoteric philosophy teaches us that to be in touchwith our own higher nature is the same as being in unity with the substance of stars and galaxies. Our spiritual souls are made of celestial light, justas our bodies belong to the Earth.(...)00000From the text "The Healing Power of Universality",by Carlos Cardoso Aveline,

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