Wednesday 13 April 2016

Vastu tips to score well in Exams

Vastu tips to score well in Exams

This is exam times. Students are studying day and night to prepare for final exams. The common rule of Vastu is to sit facing north or north-east for studies.I noticed certain trends which helped my clients and close family whose children were facing troubles in different subjects. One of my clients, child used to sit facing south and south-east direction.

He used to do very well in biology, physics and chemistry butwas weak in mathematics. I suggested him to face north while studying mathematics and he showed tremendous improvement. Then I tried the same for other subjects and results were very good.

Below are the rules for improvement in different subjects -1. Accounts and mathematics- students should sit facing north for better results.2. Physics, architecture - sit facing south.3. Chemistry, biology- sit facing south-east.4. Hindi, Sanskrit- sit facing north-east.5. Business studies, law, economics, English, history -sit facing west.6. Psychology - sit facing south-west7. Home-science, geography -sit facing north-westAnother problem which students have is stress and tension in exams. The north-east portion of our House should be clean and clutter free.

This zone is where the brain of Vastu purush lies. Any defect in this area will weaken the concentration and memory of the child. Children should have curd and sugar before going for exams as it calms the nerves and the mind. The planet rahu rules the brain waves. The best way to appease rahu is to be positive and stress free. Best of luck to all students.

By Sachin Kumar Gupta

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