Wednesday 13 April 2016

Important Rituals for Akshaya Tritiya also known as Akha Teej (May 9, 2016)

Important Rituals for Akshaya Tritiya also known as Akha Teej (May 9, 2016)

Akshaya Tritya- One among the Golden days of yearThe word Akshaya means imperishable or eternal, that which never diminishes. The importance of this day lies in the fact that no special mahurat is needed or auspicious time is needed to perform any auspicious work. Since ages, it is believed that things, deeds and rituals performed or done on this day is permanent.

Some prominent rituals of this day are -Puja of Goddess Vaibhavlaxami along with Sudarshan chakra and Kuber yantraAs per Lakshmi Tantrum, on this day Kubera- the treasurer of Gods pray to goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and consort of lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu is the one who is responsible for the protection and well-being of society and GoddessLaxmi is divine energy or shakti of Vishnu.Attainment, Sustenance, Accumulation and Everlasting growthDevotees perform a day-long Kubera Lakshmi havan or homa in which an image of Goddess Vaibhav Lakshmi is worshipped along with Sudarsana chakra and Kubera yantra, symbolizing Lord Vishnu and Kubera.

It is believed that worshiping these on this day endows the devotees with attainment, sustenance, accumulation and everlasting growth of material, physical, emotional and spiritual wealth.Til (sesame) Tarpan to Deities and ancestorsThis day is marked with increased spiritual purityin native by 60-70%. On the other hand, one can experience 30-40% distress due to departed ancestral souls. Til Tarpan mean offering sesameand water to deities as well as to ancestors. Sesame is known to negate negative energy and is a symbol of sattvikta. Water is symbol of pure spiritual emotion. By offering Tilarpan devotee surrender before deity and ancestors with gratitude.

As a result the devotee is blessed in his spiritual progress and obstacles in various spheres of his personal life are removed.Buying only Metal GoldBuying gold is a popular activity of Akshaya Tritiya, as it is the ultimate symbol of wealth and prosperity. But why only Metal Gold? Gold has originated from Sanskrit root Hri meaning Imperishable. It is known as Hiranya in Sanskrit. This word is deeply attached to Hindu belief system of Hiranyagarbha that is, one born out of gold. This word popularly refers to crater God Brahma.Buying GoldAccording to some legends, the creator deposited a seed in the waters of the dark and lifeless universe. The seed became a bright golden egg as radiant as the sun. From this cosmic egg was born Brahma, the incarnation of the Creator Himself. Thus, it is believed that Metal Gold bought on this day keep on increasing in life.Satpaatre daan for Spiritual ProgressSatpaatre Daan is charity or donations made in activities that not only enhance the spiritual progress of native but also aim at the protection of the Nation and Dharma. By offering satpaatre daan, the donor does not acquire merit, but his karma (of donation) becomes akarma (karma performed without any doer-ship and so not attracting any merit or demerit) and he gets elevated in the higher positive spiritual planes (loka).

Worshipping Mother EarthOn this day to seek everlasting blessings Goddess Mother Earth (Mrutika Devi) is worshiped. It is believed that Mother earth blesses the devotees with food grains (Dhaanyalakshmi), wealth (Dhanalakshmi) and Prosperity (Vaibhavlakshmi).The planting of treesIt is believed that trees planted on this auspicious day blossom with abundant fruits. Similarly, Ayurvedic medicinal herbs, planted on this auspicious day survive forever and one do not face any shortage of medicinal herbs.

By Ritu Shukla

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