Wednesday 13 April 2016

Vastu remedies to cure Unemployment!

Vastu remedies to cure Unemployment!

What is the root cause of unemployment?Everyone strives to achieve success in his or her career vocations. Parents strive to give their children the best of education and other facilities so that they can achieve the best streams and opt for the best, in-demand career streams. However, these measures do not always prove successful. Many of us have witnessed a lag or stagnation when it comes to jobs. Either one is stuck in a rut or are unsuccessful in comes to passing job interviews, resulting in unemployment.Qualified, but no job?

However, this may not because your child or the person in question is not capable or lacks qualifications.This is because they could be surrounded by negative energies that are causingobstructions in their path to success. Simple Vastu remedies can help eradicate these obstructions. The best part about these Vastu remedies is that they are simple, very doable and very effective!Vastu remedies for unemploymentTo begin with, to solve the issue of unemployment, analyse the north wall in your home.

Analysing the north wall will enable you tounderstand the defects that are causing delays in career or unemployment.De-clutter the north wallThe north wall should be free of all clutter. Extra elements such as decorative pieces that are not necessary or old, stationery, pile of books or office files etc. should be discarded and the north wall should be free of these things.Do away with the steel almirahAvoid placing a steel almirah at the north wall. This is because the steel almirah will absorb all the positive energies from the northern region andnothing will reach you or your child. It will pose as an obstruction in your child's path to success.Energize the north wallThe best solution is to energise the north wall. Colouring it in shades of yellow, especially lemonyellow can do wonders. This is because lemon yellow is a favoured colour of Lord Brihaspati and Lord Kuber. Painting the north wall in lemon yellow will appease both these lords. Both Brihaspati and Kuber are connected to knowledge and money, and once appeased, they will bless one with riches and employment.Install a full-length mirrorAlways ensure this wall stays clean. If you wish to decorate this wall, install a full-length mirror on the wall. Placing this mirror will help enhance and improve the chances and opportunities for your child.

Job interviews will yield positive results.Offer salutations to Lord GaneshWhen stepping out for an interview, step out of thehouse with the right leg first. Offer salutations to Lord Ganesha before you leave and if there is a supari offered to the Lord, take a piece as Prasad.Be confident during interviewsDuring the job interview, sit in a relaxed and confident manner. Do not sit with folded arms or cross your legs. Sit upright and move your right shoulder forward while you face the interviewer. Try these simple tips to overcome unemployment and invite success in your life!Seek vastu solutions for success in businessJust as success in the career is important, being successful in business ventures is a dream come true for many people.

However, even after much hard work and good strategies, a business venture may become unsuccessful. This is because there can be many unseen or hidden hindrances acting as obstacles. Vastu Shastra offers simple yet effective remedies to resolve such issues. Dr. Puneet Chawla is a renowned Vastu expert who can provide simple solutions.

By Nikita Banerjee

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