Tuesday 2 February 2016

Maybe it's not about soul mates at all.

Maybe it's just about finding that real life person who seems to have had the master key in their back pocket all along.

The person who never seems to have to knock any walls down because they always are able to find a secret way in. 

Maybe it's less about fate and more about the person who sees us for who we truly are and can't seem to stay away for good.

The truth is that at times it's easier to believe in soul mates than the image of an entirely flawed and real person; someone who comes along unexpectedly and shakes up our world because they are able to unlock those parts of ourselves that we hold most tightly too. 

Maybe it's the person that we never see coming that truly ends up being everything we've always been looking for.

The damn thing about love is that it doesn't look like we want it too.

And it sure as hell doesn't have good timing.

But it's there anyway knocking on our door and even when we refuse they still are unable to undo all of our locks until we are faced with the very things we've spent so much time protecting ourselves from. 

Because maybe the truth of it is, no one is ever really ready...and no matter how good it is, if it's that once in a lifetime deal it's gonna drag out every single one of our fears until we are face to face with ourselves. 

The person who holds the master key will also see all of the self limiting ways we are living, and won't be able to help but shine a light on all of our truths...even if it's uncomfortable for us to face them.

But the biggest difference is, when someone holds that master key no amount of wall building will be able to keep them at bay because with a glance in our direction and the gentle touch of a hand upon our hearts they will let themselves in again as effortlessly as they did the first time. 

Because when someone has the master key all it ever takes is one turn in the last remaining lock to actually get it right. 

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