Monday 1 February 2016

Secret experiments to attract women

These are a couple of most secret Vashikaran experiments of Attraction from the ancient Hindu scripture the Rudrayamala Tantra for the attraction of women. These experiments do not make the use of any Vashikaran Mantras.

1] In the period of Mool Nakshatra [Lambda Scorpio] pluck the flower of the Datura plant [thorn apple] or धतूरा in Hindi.

In the period of Pushya Nakshatra [Delta Cancri] take a small root of the same plant.
Then prepare a paste of both of them along with Gorochan [गोरोचन].part of the anatomy of a cow and Kapur [कपूर] or Camphor. All the 4 ingredients should be in equal quantities.
Then apply a Tilak of this paste on your forehead taking the name of the woman you wish to attract. The scripture says that that woman will come under your spell of attraction with the blessings of Mahadeva.

2] In the period of Pushya Nakshatra [Delta Cancri] on any Sunday touching any woman with a nail of the Black Datura plant or कृष्ण धतूरा in Hindi, will bring that woman under your spell of attraction. An infertile woman will take 7 days to be attracted to you.

Note-information is given for educational purposes only; I do not advocate the practice of these methods

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