Tuesday 2 February 2016

Attraction without mantras

These are a couple of experiments for Vashikaran without the use of any Attraction Mantras.Ancient Hindu sages discovered the power of certain plants/herbs and the unique frequencies they vibrated to. These herbs were then put for the general Health, Wellbeing as well as for the purposes of attraction.

1] Take some seeds of Tulsi [Holy Basil] and grind them to a paste.
Take Sahadevi Herb [Ash colored fleabane] and crush it to separate the juice.

Mix the Tulsi seed’s paste with the Sahadevi juice.

This should be done on a Sunday and a Tilak of the paste should be applied to your forehead.

It is said that who so ever sees you will come under your spell of attraction.

2] Take the following plants/herbs

Lajalu leaves [Mimosa pudica]
Sahadevi Herb [Ash colored fleabane]
Aghada leaves [Achyranthes aspera]

Crush all of them to make a paste. Appling a Tilak of this paste on your forehead is said to bring anyone whom you come across under your spell of attraction.

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