Tuesday 2 February 2016

What your blood type says about you?

Blood Group A

They have great endurance and are good at hiding their feelings. People with blood group A try to attain perfection and are organised. The other properties are that they are responsible, analytical, creative, well mannered and sensible.

Social Life Blood Group A

They are the people who dislike getting into arguments and confrontations. They are trustworthy, kind and get hurt easily. They can't enjoy big parties, as they like a small circle of friends. They can also get angry if you hurt them.

Work life-Blood Group A

They are the most reliable persons for work. They want to do everything perfectly and their work turns out to be the best. They can get stressed easily due to work, as they get obsessed with it.

Blood Group B

Type B's best traits are their creativity, flexibility, individualism, and passionate nature. However, they tend to be self-centered, at times irresponsible, and impatient as well. Type Bs are extremely independent individuals that aren't bothered by the opinions of others.

Social Life-Blood Group B

They love to enjoy with friends and can lead a life of an event. However, it is hard to deal with them at times, as they want to do their own things and don't listen to others.

Work life-Blood Group B

They hate to follow the rules and do whatever they want, in terms of work also. Normally, they don't cooperate with others easily and work on their own terms. They are, however, goal oriented and have high aims.

Blood Group AB

The personality traits of people with AB blood group are that they are friendly, imaginative, intelligent, adaptable, interesting, sometimes unpredictable and philosophical. At the same time, they can be moody, emotional and sometimes selfish.

Social Life-Blood Group AB

Individuals possessing this rare blood type think more with their heads than their hearts. Because of this, they may be especially judgemental and even unpredictable (exhibiting split personalities).

Work Life-Blood Group AB

They are the best people to work with, but they do get emotional easily and take things to their heart. This may decrease their productivity.

Blood Group O

Type Os are believed to embody the positive traits of self-confidence, ambition, leadership, and general "people" skills. On the flip side, they may also be insensitive, arrogant, and overly dramatic.

Social Life-Blood Group O

Type O individuals like to make their presence known in a room and are often considered to be natural-born leaders. They are very preoccupied with success, and are known to gamble and take risks.

Work life-Blood Group O

They are obsessed with work and success. They work hard to achieve their goals, but can easily lose interest and get distracted. Sometimes, they need to be guided and monitored to get the work done.

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