Thursday 28 January 2016

Mercury is now direct...but now what?

Mercury retrogrades affect more than most would like to think.

It slows our process and communication way down; it's a time when we are more apt to say or communicate something electronically that we didn't truly mean.

It's a time when we revisit those aspects of our lives that needed another glance because the story just wasn't finished yet.

But of all the things it is a time for-it is not a time for new beginnings.

Now that the planet ruling our thoughts and communications has turned direct, so will too our hearts.

Although it was in the sign of Capricorn which means we are still slow moving and pragmatic, it does mean there will finally be progress.

We are different now than we were as we rang in the new year...are we exactly where we want to be? Well, no...but part of getting to be where we want means taking that first step to leave where we were.

And we have. 

Even if we don't look different; even if to others things appear status quo...we know better.

We hear the whispers of our hearts and the rumbles of our souls starting to awaken to our truth...and this time we are okay with what we are hearing.

We aren't shocked, nor are we scared in the ways we previously were. 

Yes, there may still be some trepidation but as with any metamorphosis there is still the fear of leaving the known in order to move into what is waiting.

But as the stars are still saying...don't rush.

We all move at our own speed, and this week isn't over yet.

Although direct, Mercury will still be in a shadow phase for another few days and then there is the Pluto/Uranus square that will blast away anything that isn't stable and is on the way out anyway.

So hold on tight.

No, we are still in progress...but at least now we not only are moving in the right direction but we finally are becoming more clear about what direction we want to be moving in.

And that makes all the difference in the world.  

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