Thursday 28 January 2016

Sanskrit as the language of joy

"The true Sanskrit would speak for speaking's sake, because speaking was its joy and its very being.
Whoever speaks the truth from his heart is full of endless life."

- Novalis (1772-1801), full name: Georg Freiherr von Hardenberg

One of Germany's greatest poets and philosophers.

Novalis had a tremendous influence on Goethe, F. Schlegel, Friedrich Schiller, Hermann Hesse, C.S. Lewis and numerous other authors and thinkers throughout recent history.

Novalis only became 29 years old. Although during his time not much of Sanskrit literature was available in Europe, Novalis' genius recognised Sanskrit as the language of perfection.

One of the well-known sayings of Novalis:

"Poetry is the great art of bringing about transcendental health. The poet is the transcendental doctor."

- Novalis

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