Showing posts with label The Sacred Navratri's - Do's and Don't. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Sacred Navratri's - Do's and Don't. Show all posts

Wednesday 13 April 2016

The Sacred Navratri's - Do's and Don't

The Sacred Navratri's - Do's and Don't

Navaratri is the most auspicious celebration concerning Devi Maa. In Shaktam, one of the practices of attaining moksham and mukti is through Goddess puja during Navaratri.Navaratri is the most auspicious celebration concerning Devi Maa. In Shaktam, one of the practices of attaining moksham and mukti is through Goddess puja during per Hindu mythology there are 6 seasons or ritu’. Each ritu is a form of female. thus it assumes greatr importance and auspiciousness in its duration. Each season is endowed with a specific navratra. In Shastras 4 out of these 6 are given more importances and amongst these 4 only 2 are widely followed and in between this two, Sharad Navaratri is widely followed.

The puja associated with Sharad Navaratri is very popular in whole of India. It is the most benevolent period in respect of seeking the blessings of MAA.Since this is the most crucial time being the junction period between summer and winter; Mother Nature is most precarious during this period and informs through various nature indication that in this period oneshould be very careful for having healthy and long life. Hence these puja are ordained in our Shastras to built immune system in our self to combat the coming winter season.Therefore, scientifically and also spiritually one should follow certain basic values during this period in order to have the blessing so that he canlive peacefully with all the happiness and progress.For this, one has to follow certain rules of Do's and don't.

First the Do's are important but don't are more important. If you are not able to do the Do's it may not give any negative effect. But if you do not abstain then you can land yourself in serious trouble.Do's :1. Daily having bath in the morning preferably by 9.00 AM.2. Eat only Satvic Food, only once.3. Give some home made bhog to Gods every day;if not possible then milk and fruits should be offered.4. Go to temple or do puja to Maa daily in the morning and evening by lighting lamp and offering flower and doing arti.5. Try to give gift to at least 2 small girl children, every day preferably in the evening.6. After bath always wear fresh cloth do not use thediscarded cloth.7. Recite the mantras and slokas of Maa every available minute with you.8. Earnestly pray to the Goddess Mother to cleanse your Past Karmaas and bring happiness and prosperity in your life.

Don'ts:1. Do not cut your nails for all these days till Ekadashi.2. Do not have a hair cut also during this period.3. Do not stitch or knit during this period.4. Do not gossip, tell lies or use harsh words/curse others.5. Do not leave the Jyot to burn it out. After puja you should, with some flowers put to rest the Agniwhich stood as the witness to your puja and offering.6. Do not dust your home or at least in the Puja Room/Place and in Kitchen.7. Do not wear slipper in the house if possible for all these 9 days or avoid getting into the puja room wearing one.8. Do not study anything on the 9th day; instead you should keep all your books and other moderngadget near the MAA and seek her blessing on this day and then on Vijay Dashami day you should take them and read sitting before MAA.

Follow these simple rules and you will benefit. Getting Durga Saptashati or Devi Mahatmiyam parayanam done on any one day can bring excellent progress, prosperity and success in your life. If you are not able to follow above rules due to any reason, the prayaschittam will be to get Devi Durga Saptashati Parayanam done in your name on any of the 9 days will ensure good happiness and unhindered progress in life.

By S Ganesh