Wednesday 4 May 2016

Trijuti Rudraksha

Trijuti Rudraksha

The Trijuti Rudraksh is a very unique and rare rudraksh which is a wonder of nature in itself. A Trijuti Rudraksh is one in which there are three rudraksh beads joined together. It is also known as Tribhagi or Gauri path. It is believed that this rudraksh represents all the three important gods of Hinduism – Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh.

These three gods are the creator, preserver and the destroyer and hence they fully sum up the entire existence of this universe. With all the three forces combined, this rudraksh is one of the most powerful of all the other rudrakshs as it represents the trinity and symbolizes all the basiccharacteristicsof the universe. This Rudraksh is so unique and is produced only once or twice in several years. One who is able to possess this is considered to be very lucky and prosperous. Theywill be able to enjoy immense success and joy and will have everything they dream of. The power of all the three pillars of Hinduism will have their blessings concentrated on the wearer of this Rudraksh. Nothing in this world is created, preserved or destroyed without the mutual agreement and approval of these three gods.

They are considered to be the supreme of all otherbeings and are unitedly responsible for the production and reproduction of all forms of life onthis earth. Brahma who is the creator represents the element earth. It is responsible for the quality of passion or desire which is the driving force behind the creation of this universe. Vishnu, the preserver is represented in the form of water, without which nothing can survive in this universe. He also represents the quality of mercy which helps in the preservation of this world. Finally there is Shiva who is the destroyer. He is represented by fire which is a symbol of destruction. Nothing can survive the power of fire,be it the living or non living being. Shiva represents the quality of darkness and wrath which can totally annihilate the universe. Wearing a Rudraksh that represents such immense power will bring rare and great achievements in the world. It is ideal for leaders, managers, spiritual seekers but in general it is beneficial for everyone.

This Rudraksh is very unique and rare and thus has high significance. It is formed by the joining of three beads together which represents the trinity, i.e. Brahma: The creator, Vishnu: The Preserver and Shiva: The Destroyer. It grows very rarely and is produced once only in several years and thus anyone who possess it is highly lucky. Itrepresents or symbolizes the basic characteristicsof the universe. One who wears this will be completely out of any difficult situations in life. It needs to be worn on a Mondayfor maximum benefits and should be cupped in gold or silver. The wearer of this Rudraksh will enjoy great super power in society, wealth, health and also good confidence and talent. It helps them to improve the power of their mind and brings a good understanding of consciousness.

With the entire power of the trinity concentrated into one, this Rudraksh has immense power and benefits. It is nothing less than having a direct connection with the trinity themselves. They are so powerful and important that nothing in this world happens without their agreement or approval. The entire existence of this universe depends on them. With so much significance attached to it, the wearer gets immense benefits and positivity from it. Its significance is unmatched and unparallel.

Trijuti Rudraksh in the Puranas and scripturesThis is a very special, unique and rare rudraksh which has special mention in the puranas and thescriptures, mostly in the Shiv Puran. With the concentrated power of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh it is considered to be highly beneficial and revered a lot. In Shiv Puran, Lord Shiva himself explains how from his tear drop the rudraksh tree grew and produced the beads. Hence rudraksh's are considered to be the representationsof Lord Shiva. This special rudraksh has the combined power of the trinity – Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. Scriptures say that one who wears this bead will not only please the three gods, but all other gods as well and they will receive blessings from all of them. It makes all of them happy and satisfied and they will shower their blessings on them.BenefitsThere are immense benefits of wearing this rudraksh as it has he combined power of the trinity. It brings good health, wealth and fortune.

It improves the power of mind and makes one confident and bold. They will have all the energy and courage to take over difficult tasks and enhance their leadership skills, which will ultimately help them achieve total success in life. It is suitable and beneficial for men and women ofall age and faith. For maximum benefits is shouldbe capped in gold or shiver and worn around the neck by tying it in a red thread. It can also be placed in the place of worship.Astrological viewsThe Rudraksh does not have any specific planet to rule it and has the general influence of all the planets and it is ruled by the Trinity - Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh and all this has a significant impact on its characteristics. As an impact of all this it has numerous positive effects on its wearer,which can bring both therapeutic and medical benefits. It has all the power of the trinity combined in it which makes it highly powerful.MantrasThe most important mantra for this rudraksh is'MAHAMRITYUNJAIMANTRA” (Brahajjalopanishad) and 'OM TRYAMBAKAM YAJAMAHE SUGANDHIM PUSHTI VARDHANAM URVARUKAMIVA MRITYOR MUKSHIYA MAMRITAT'and 'OM NAMAH SHIVAYA'and should be chanted minimum nine times everyday during the process of wearing it. One needs to wear it in the morning after taking bath and should remove it while going to bed at night. Some of the important mantras you can chant while wearing this bead are'Om Hreen Hoom Namah' (Shiva Puran), 'Om Hroom Namah' (Mantra Maharanava), 'Om Hreem Namah' (Skanda Puran).

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