Wednesday 4 May 2016

How to Identify a Genuine Rudraksha

How to Identify a Genuine Rudraksha

Due to high demand and less supply of Rudraksha, fake Rudrakshas have been made available in abundance. For a newbie it is very difficult to identify a genuine Rudraksha from a fake one which is usually made out of wood. some times Bhadraksha is given to the customer saying that it is a Rudraksha.Bhadraksha is a variety of Rudraksha but it is lowin energy.

Let us see what tests should be done to see if the Rudraksha is real or not. I am giving four tests below. Please test the Rudraksha with more than one test given below to make sure that it is actually real.Floatation Test The Rudraksha seed when placed on water should sink. If it is a wooden imitation, itwill float.Thermometer Test It is a simple test which explains an important property of Rudraksha.

Place Rudraksha in a glass with small amount of water (just enough to cover Rudraksha). Record the temperature after 30 minutes with a thermometer. You can observe 1 or 2 degrees centigrade rise of temperature.Milk Test Leave the Rudraksha in a cup of milk fora day. If the milk is not spoilt, the Rudraksh is genuine.

Copper Test The Rudraksha is very hot and has an electromagneticinteraction with copper. If the rudraksha is held (with a string) over a copper coin, the rudraksha tend to show a gradual rotation movement. If the rotation is clockwise, rudraksha is considered genuine. If the rotation isanticlockwise, do not buy it as it come with negative energy.I hope these tests will be useful for the readers.

By Gaurav Malhotra

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