Friday 11 March 2016



Five basic elements are very important and they all are present nearby us in one or another form. Therefore sometimes avoiding or neglecting these elements could bring various problems related to health and wealth. Manytime person forgets small things and go for big anusthana. But if one takes care in small trouble, there would be no base to develop big incidents. When our Vedas had given these elements a name of Gods then their insult in any form would never be accepted. Following are the Totka related to thesefive elements collected from various scriptures.There should not be basil plant or possibly any other plant which is dried inside the house, this is dosha related to Bhoomi tatva. With such thing problems related to health and money will be increase. Such plants when gets dry, should be immersed in river or ocean with mud of it.One should avoid possible stagnant water near main door of the house.

Possibly one should avoid stagnant water filled especially in exact front of the house. With this person may suffer from the wealth related problems. As a solution, sadhak should make sign of “swastika” on the main door.Wherever there is water dripping problem, one should repair it as soon as possible. Dripping water is not good for house and such house members may suffer from the mental disorders.If shadow of the any temple’s flag take place on the house of any one, this is prithvi dosh such mention could be found in many tantra scriptures,people living in such houses could also suffer from health related issues in one or another form. Person should establish ‘kshetrapal’ in the worship place of house and should daily offer jaggery to him as a solution.If house is near Seminary ground, one should not look at any death body burning from inside the house, this cause dosha of Agni Tatva. For the solution of this, sadhak should offer 3 times waterto the Sun or basil plant and should also apologies lord Agni or fire and pray for the freedom of spirits of deaths.It is always better to offer water to sun on the time of sun rise.

That time if one chants “ Aum Ghruni Sury Aadityaay Sarv Dosh Nivaaranaay Namah” 11 times may gets freedom from every dosha.If 5 incent sticks are lighted at the place where there is no humans by remembering 5 basic metals and if prayed to the Ancestor then all the dosha related to health and wealth does receives the solutions.At the time of sunset if one lights a lamp at the place where water is kept in the house all the dosha related to aakash and Jal tatva gets solutionTo have the divine help related to wealth one should search for a water-well. At the time of sun set one should take out water from it and at the night time one should bathe there with the same water by being fully naked. After that one should offer some sweets at mosque and get green thread from the same place. One should chant “Allaahu Madad” 88 times on that thread and then should be tied in neck or arm by putting it in taawiz. After that one should chant “allaahu Madad” as much possible daily. One will receive divine help in just 1 week. After 1 week that tawiz should be placed on the same mosque.

Conditionis Water should be only of water-well and one need to have bath at same place.

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