Friday, 8 January 2016

The Miraculous Rebirth of DNA…

"Our evolution, in both biological and spiritual terms, occurs in brilliantly luminous, unthinkable ‘quantum’ leaps. Astounding abilities or gifts that have never been known before lie dormant within us and awaken suddenly and ‘spontaneously’, emerging from the vast, unseen and non-local energetic fields that govern universal evolution.

We have all experienced these paradigm-changing shifts in our personal life, which often seem to come out of nowhere – as if guided by an unseen force. These spontaneous moments can completely transform our life in an instant, as if we have stepped into a new dimension, in ways we never planned for or expected. The same is true of monumental world events, like the fall of the Berlin Wall, which have this hidden energy momentum.

These mysterious forces have been named ‘morphogenetic fields’ by the eminent biologist Rupert Sheldrake, literally, the fields that shape creation. In more magical terms, these fields are a Dream Chrysalis, a Quantum Womb, beyond the known laws of classical physics. Underlying the visible world is this deeper holographic reality – a quantum informational field that cannot be defined by science or predicted by any scientific laws.

These holographic dream fields act like the power of a divine force moving through us. We become aware that this cosmic intelligence field has a mind of its own, which is non-logical, non sequential and beyond the normal laws of evolutionary cause-and-effect. While we have to do our part, the results of our efforts can be magically amplified." Dr Azra & Seren Bertrand

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