Rise from your own ashes like the mythical bird phoenix that is reborn from its own ashes. rebirth happens in our own life time. every breath we take is a new life. narak is not the ultimate destiny or reality. the stories of swarag narak and celestial beings are just that. stories. puranas written for untrained minds. The reality is that Hell and heaven swarag and narak are here in this moment. we can create it for ourselves. We can drown in guilt and the memories of the past or be anxious of the future. OR there is another path, you can recreate yourself. switch the energy. tell your self. " rise shambhu. never give up.The sadhana is about falling down 7 times and standing up the eighth." Rise#shambhu you are swayambhu . the maker of your own destiny. it is the sadhana. we are our deepest darkest desires. as we think so we reap. what we think is a product of our conditioning and experience. we can program the human mind in madrasas or gurukuls. like a young horse in the stable. in ancient gurukuls it was all about shradda, bhakti for guru and discipline. early to bed early to rise. humans lived strong close to nature, not smart phones or TV. Humans learnt from experience. But now Life imitates art . we are programmed by what we see and hear. not by experience. tantra is experience not philosophy or mere words. . Hatha yoga creates a strong back. The meru dhandha or human spine is the differentiating feature of homo sapiens. The single structure across which the energy flows against gravitation. A strong meru dhandha just like the dwaja stambha in ancient temples or the shiva trident trishul or the snake that is coiled around his neck are symbols of kundalini rising. it is the growth of confidence in the self. experience it. Jai guru mahadeva, shiva our guru of hatha yoga. Transform your energy. Boom shankara !!
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