Saturday 30 January 2016

How did Maharishi Valmikh compose the Ramayana?

When the yogi lifts his consciousness to the Ajna Chakra between the eye-brows (the eye of intuition) and enters the Ramadivar the Gate of Rama or Universal Consciousness (Kutahasa Chaityana), he experiences samadhi. From here he enters into the world of wisdom revelations and comprehends the 7 sacred alters of Spirit in the spine and brain receiving / downloading all knowledge from them.

It was through this power that the Great Rishis of ancient India originally received the Vedas and passed from Guru to Discipline.

Through the eye of intuition Maharishi Valmikh received the truths issuing from the vibratory Sound of AUM, these truths are perceived as luminous writings, the AKASHIC RECORDS of all things known and TO BE KNOWN!

The Sanskrit word Akasha comes from ā towards and kaśa = to be visible to appear.

Nikola Tesla almost got it right!

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