1. Dogs belong to Animalia Kingdom, Mammalia Class, Canidae family.
2. Do you have a dog? If not make Labrador as your pet, it is the most popular breed of dog, which is gentle, intelligent and has near limitless energy.
3. Humans and other primates enjoy Hugging but dogs don’t.
4. 50 American Soldiers are saved by two stray dogs in Afghanistan.
5. “A day inn the Life” the Beatles song was recorded by Paul McCartney, which has an extra high-pitched whistle. This is made for his dog, as dogs can hear high frequencies.
6. Service dogs are trained in such a way that they know when they are on duty. They know their business time when harness is on. They become playful and energetic when it is removed.
7. A small Pekingese dog is literally hidden up in the emperor’s sleeves as his last line of defense, in ancient China.
8. A dog shaped building is present in NewZealand.
9. Did you know that the wetness of the dog nose is essential as it determines from what direction a smell is coming from.
10. Dogs drink water by making the back of their tongue into a minicup.
11. The Newfoundland breed dogs has a webbed feet and water resistant coat. This dog was bred to rescue people at risk of drowning and to help haul nets for fisherman.
12. Did you know that 3 dogs survived the sinking of the Titanic of them two are Pomeranian and the other one is Pekingese.
13. A normal adult dog has 42 teeth and puppies have 28.
14. Dogs chase their tails for various reasons like exercise, curiosity, anxiety etc.,
14. Dalmatian dogs have no spots when they are born, spots are developed as they grow older.
15. Dogs eyes contain Tapetum Lucidum which is a special membrane, it helps dogs to see in the dark.
16. Dogs sweat only through the pads of their feet.
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