The 12 Magical Keys To Effective Leadership
8. Plan with confidence, and have confidence in your plan. We live in a universe where all things are possible. Be the leader that operates from a higher sense of purpose and vision, and then develop a sense of certainty that your vision and what is desired will manifest. This does not mean that you cannot be flexible in making changes in the plan or alterations as you go, but that you will achieve the destination. Your confidence and sense of certainty will act as the fuel to convince you to move forward. Next, regular contemplation of all of the circumstances that will accompany the fulfillment of the vision gives form, power, and momentum to the inspired plans. Because you are a leader, one of your greatest gifts is to share the confidence of plans and solidify the vision for others.
12. Connect to Divine Source. Develop a regular connection to Divine Source. This may not be popular and it is not something you need talk about. Every culture and person makes this connection in different ways. Even without broadcasting your beliefs, belief will connect you to a universe full of abundance. That abundance will be expressed in your effective leadership and in those you lead. Others will look at your life with amazement and wonder. Divine connection will change your inner landscape and from a vantage point of abundance, you will be the leader you truly are.
Effective leadership is an ability we all have within us. Invoking the mystical principles of magical attraction to build strong effective leadership principles based on the spiritual force that governs the universe, can aid us to build these qualities within our self, and use it in our personal and professional ventures. The result will be that is will not only attract more power and success to us, it will allow us to be of service to others and make a valuable contribution to the world in which we live. These 12 powerful constructs will aid you in remaining focused on effective leadership based on magical attraction.
1. Begin each day with gratitude. Each day is a spiritual and magical blessing from the Divine source for you to invoke your skill and awaken your passion. It is vital that you develop a strong sense of gratitude for the world we live in and the people we are fortunate to know. People will feel this sense of humble gratitude within you and your ability to invoke the next steps will be magnified. This is attraction by character not superficial charisma.
2. Build an environment of synergy. Effective leadership requires cooperation, collaboration and synergizing with others. These synergistic partnerships can be directly related to those whom you lead and it can be with others who are mentors or advisors which provide you guidance. Stepping out of the box or prison you have created within your mind and into partnership with others, will inspire and motivate people to contribute to the purpose or mission, and as a result you will attract more service, help and productivity.
3. Be responsible. You will never benefit by living in a world of excuses and justifications. Your thoughts and feelings create everything in your life. Once youchoose to be completely responsible for the magical creator you really are, you will make both physical and magical choices that aim your focus more carefully and create only what you truly desire. Be responsible and move to the front of the line. Lead by example!
4. Master energy by always chunking up or down. Effective leadership is to be aware of your internal energy vibration and whether you have low, slow, resistant energy, or high, fast, flowing energy. You have the power of choice. The faster, higher and more positive your inner vibration, the more connected you are to Source energy. By learning and then mastering how your energy flows and the details you want to accomplish, you will attract people with the same energy vibrations. As you attract more people with the same clear high vibrations, effective leadership will be simple and successful because the exponential power of all of you working in concert will draw the outcomes you seek more rapidly.
5. Invoke empathy and understanding. Shifting your perspective to the souls of the lives you lead will allow you greater insights into what is important to them and how their views are colored by their perspective. From a dedicated vantage point focused on their well being, you can lead them to actions that give them valuable solutions and help them shift states when necessary to maximize productivity. The environment becomes a win/win environment. You not only care about their productivity, you care about them at the very deepest level.
6. Build rapport. If your leadership flows with magical attraction this will be very easy for you because your focus will be on possibility not problems, abundance not lack, intention not expectations. You are not only their leader, you aresomeone who cares. You are their friend. Thus, you will draw these qualities out of others and the blend of your vibrations will be an enjoyable connection.
7. Go the distance. I love this belief. Most people think of working for a paycheck. When you go the distance, you move beyond that limiting mentality. You operate from the law of the harvest. You are always planting seeds with your effort, working beyond your job description, giving more than you receive. The result is that eventually you will never, ever be able to give more than you receive. The more seeds you plant, the more you will receive, the larger the harvest. You will attract the attention of others too, who are people that will not settle for the minimum, but want to magically attract more abundance, joy, synergy, and effectiveness into their work and their lives. Never stop short, go the distance.
9. What you say to yourself will affect how you act with others. Negative or non –productive self-talk can arise as obstacles to effective leadership and success. As a leader, it is imperative that your focus on what you want to accomplish and quiet the voices in your mind of what you do not want. Effective leadership with the magic of attraction shifts these areas of self-talk in you and those that follow your leadership. The secret is to be conscious, focusing forward on what is wanted, with clear intention being the guide for inspired actions.
10. Passion of purpose which leads to more effective decisions. Leaders make decisions from convictions of vision and success. By connecting to Source, each choice, each decision, brings more passion and excitement. Like a vacant energy conduit, the passion of decision flows and everyone in the group contributes ideas and creativity that add to everyone’s success.
11. Persistence and inspiration. I am convinced that it is very difficult to motivate others and to inspire then from words and pictures. Motivation must begin with you, the leader. When you believe in your purpose and it shows by the extra dedication you have, the investment in time you make, the energy you expel and receive, the inspiration will be transferred to those you lead. There is an old saying: “Lead from the front.” Be the inspiration and persistence you want from those you lead, and through demonstration, you will receive it.
By Robert Zink
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