Showing posts with label Where is your heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Where is your heart. Show all posts

Saturday 12 March 2016

Where is your heart?

Where is your heart?

The thing is that just because it's February 14th does not in fact mean we are with our beloved.But it is a day although severely commercialized and superficial can show us where our heart trulybelongs.

Admittedly I stayed in a relationship because I thought that's what I should do; it was what was expected of me and anyone who knows me knows I'm nothing but if loyal.Then with the threads of life it seemed as if staying became my only option.Until I admitted to myself that no matter how much I should be in love with that person; I just wasn't.For many of us we stay where we think we shouldbe because the idea of leaving or starting over becomes impossible.Sometimes we stay for our children, but for me they actually became one of the reasons I left.

Because I want my children to see their mother in love; radiating happiness, dancing around the kitchen with the man who holds her heart kind of love.And I knew even if I told them to look for that if I wasn't walking my own damn talk-it wouldn't do a bit of good.So today as we are being bombarded with the overzealous valentines hubbub...where does your heart belong?If your lucky enough to have your arm around them this very moment...then pull them a little closer because what you've found is rare.And if you're not...Why?Why are you settling for bargain basement 50% off kind of love?Why don't you believe your worthy of uplifting passionate amazing love?It's a paradox; we only accept the love we believe we deserve, yet the only love that we truly deserve is the one that makes us want to be a better person.Our lover is a reflection of ourselves; what we believe we are lacking in, need reassurance or lessons about they reflect back to us.

That's why only greatness attracts greatness; because when you've worked through all your shit, when you've started on a path that's true to your soul then suddenly saying fuck it and running in the direction of your heart becomes theeasiest thing in the world to do.So fuck it...if you followed your heart today, right here, right now...where would it lead you?