Showing posts with label WOMEN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WOMEN. Show all posts

Tuesday 12 April 2016



Women of the world.We bow to you.You are not 'less than'.You are not objects to be manipulated.You don't exist to fulfil our needs.We can learn from you.How to feel.How to touch our bodies.How to inhabit our feelings.How to weep, laugh, dance.How to be alive.

You can show usthat we never needed to be afraidof our receptivity.That we don't always have the answers(we are so tired of pretending to have the answers)That there is no shame in embracing softness, being flexible, open, kind.Once, we thought we were in control.Once, we thought the world was ours.

We are waking up now.You showed usthrough your courage, your patience, your determination,that there was another way.Let us listen more deeply to you,and hear, really hearyour joys and your pains,your fears and your longings,your agonies and ecstasies.We were not sent to fix each other,or save each other,or complete each other,but reflect in each otherour best qualities.Our masculine and feminine strengths.Solid like a tree trunk.

Soft and flexible like the branches, the leaves.Masculine needs feminine,or the branches break.Feminine needs masculine,or the tree topples.These qualities are in all of us.Penis, vagina, or something else,we can recognise our shared nature.Help us create a safe space.Alone. Together.Alone.

Together again.We remember, each day:We were born from woman.We do not exist without her.We are part woman.Help us own that.Mother is in our bones.Help us step into our femininity.And in doing so, help us step into our true masculinity.(You never 'emasculated' us!We 'emasculated' ourselveswhen we blamed youfor 'emasculating' us!)Yes, we need all powers:The power of the trunk.The power of the branches.The power in being Whole.Be gentle with us; we learn slowly.Be direct with us; we long for your unvarnished truth.Be patient with us; we carry a sad legacy of violence, domination.Be forgiving of us; we are trying to heal.Physically, we differ, yes.Of course.But at the core, we meet.

Consciousness, one and all.Please understand:We were blind for a long time, that's all.Unconscious.Little boys seeking mommy.Trying to feel power.Trying to feel like 'men'.Pretending to 'know'.It wasn't true power.True power needs woman!We long to grow up!Help us grow up!Speak Truth to us!Give us your powerful medicine!Mothers, lawyers, healers,nurses, doctors, leaders,women of the world,strong and beautiful,we bow to you!Without you, the world breaks!

- Jeff Foster —