Showing posts with label Too sensitive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Too sensitive. Show all posts

Thursday 7 April 2016

Too sensitive? Over sensitive? Hyper sensitive?

Too sensitive? Over sensitive? Hyper sensitive?

Until I became connected to other conscious, emphatic, intuitive women, I didn't feel truly understood when it came to the depth and layers of my sensitivity.I'm not just intuitive and empathic.

I'm also very sensitive to smells, bright lights, loud noises. I can get very easily overstimulated or overwhelmed depending on my surroundings. I'measily wounded and knocked off my centre. Sometimes it's just unbelievably exhausting and I'd like an off switch.I had a therapist explain to me it was like I had millions of tiny little feelers covering my body, head to toe, and I was constantly absorbing everything around me from all angles, levels and wavelengths.

Energetically, emotionally, physically, every cell of my being.I used to believe this was a curse. To be completely honest I still have my dark moments where I struggle to accept this part of me fully...... but as I continue to go deeper with self acceptance and self love I am beginning to realize on a deeper level just how magical being highly sensitive can be.Being sensitive gives me the ability to love in such a way I can fill up an entire room.

Being sensitive allows me to reach into the corners of my soul and connect to a higher power that leads me and guides me to the truth. Being sensitive gifts me with the most incredible ability to see past walls and directly into people's souls. Being sensitive and accepting this part of me allows me to hold space for other women to accept, embrace, and learn to celebrate their sensitivity as well.

I'm choosing to reframe the negative messages and make them a lot more positive. I am: Beautifully sensitive, wonderfully sensitive, perfectly sensitive.Sending love to all my sensitive sisters tonight. ॐ
