Showing posts with label Tips and Secrets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips and Secrets. Show all posts

Thursday 31 March 2016

Foot Reading : Basics, Tips and Secrets

Foot Reading : Basics, Tips and Secrets

Foot reading has been practiced in India and China for more than 5,000 years. India’s oldest mythological poem ‘Ramayan‘ has a scene where Rama’s wife Seetha describes about her foot reading to a demon woman Trijata.She had foot reading before marriage, which suggested that her husband would be an emperor, so she was confident of victory over Ravana in battle.Foot reading evolves from the belief that the feet act as a mirror to the rest of the body. Any lumps,calluses or pain in the feet are indications of problems elsewhere. For example, a fallen archwill often indicate a back problem.Infact, foot reading can reveal many things from your digestive system functioning to your state of relationships at present.However, modern foot reading cannot predict much about future like the ancient people did.Most of this science is lost due to people showingmore interest in palmistry and astrology.Basics about the toes in Foot ReadingBig TOEIf your big toe is much longer than your other toes, you are a clever, creative thinker. You come up with ingenious solutions to problems and fizz with ideas. You’re never stumped for an answer, and can see things from different views.

On the downside, you may have problems focusing and sometimes don’t see projects through.If your big toe is comparatively small, this indicates that you are a superb multi-tasker. You delegate effectively and are efficient. You use your charm to persuade people to go along with your ideas and opinions.Second TOEThe longer your second toe, the more leadership qualities you have. You are dynamic and resourceful, but your desire to get things done, ‘my way or no way’, can even tip over into bossiness.Indian folklore has it that eagle-eyed mothers stopped their sons marrying girls with long second toes because it meant they were far too bossy!A smaller second toe doesn’t mean you’re a pushover, though. It simply indicates that you are happy to bide your time. You value harmony and won’t try to bulldoze your way through situations.Third TOEThe Chinese associate energy, drive and willpower with the third toe. If it is comparatively long, it means that you are incredibly energetic and resourceful, especially at work.The longer this toe is, the more you are driven to succeed in your career.You’re a perfectionist and you can achieve huge amounts with your determination and energy. The drawback is a tendency to let work take over and to forget about fun, love and family.If the toe is short, you enjoy the pleasures in life. You love relaxing and don’t get worked up about anything. Others may accuse you of being lazy, but you'll argue that life is short, so enjoy it.Fourth TOEA long, straight fourth toe indicates family is crucially important to your life. Unhappiness in your relationships with loved ones will show up by a curling of this toe.You are an excellent listener and nurturer, but willbe deeply affected by unhappiness within the family. You find it difficult to cut yourself off from other people’s problems.The Chinese would say that you’re a gentle soul, easily wounded. Your health might be affected by any disturbances in the home. If your toes are clawed you need to try to let go, relax and don’t take on yourself all the burdens of others.A short fourth toe means that family and relationships are less crucial to you — your focus is elsewhere.

Little TOEChildlike impishness is a major characteristic of those with small little toes.You will shy away from responsibility,be easily bored and constantly looking for amusing diversions. You are great fun to be with, sociable and witty, but your Peter Pan tendencies can land you in trouble— we all have to grow up at some point.And if you can wiggle your little toe separately from your fourth toe, you are an impulsive, adventurous, charming flirt. If you can’t, then you value routine, predictability and loyalty. Go for a man who can wiggle his little toe if you want a mad, fun, frenetic wild night out — but as for marriage, pick a guy who cannot wiggle to save his life.Tips about the toes in Foot ReadingToes that graduate in sizeIf each toe is a little longer than the one before, creating a neat line, this indicates a methodical, precise and extremely practical person. You’re interested in detail and ensure that you always finish what you have start. You’re a dream employee, and a good friend — loyal and steadfast to a fault. Watch out for a tendency to nitpick, though — not everyone is as balanced as you.Wide FeetYou’ve got solid worker feet. You’re always on the go and can’t sit still for a single minute. The Chinese would say your feet are planted firmly on the ground.You’re happiest when you’re busy, but should try to make time for reflection, and a little peace and calm in your life. Let yourself stop and think. There is a difference between idle day-dreaming and gentle reflection.Long Narrow FeetYou like nothing better than to be pampered. You find it incredibly easy to delegate — why bother with all the hard work if you can get someone elseto do it for you? You’ve got a strong aesthetic sense and want beauty in your surroundings.Your home will be gorgeous whatever your income. The Chinese would say you have Princess feet that barely touch the ground. You were born to be waited on, but spare a thought forthe rest of us!ArchesHigh arches are found on people who are very independent and self-sufficient. You require plenty of time on your own and might even be accused of being anti-social.You have an indomitable spirit, but remember, it isn’t a weakness to ask for help. In Chinese philosophy, those with very high arches are in danger of being brittle and rigid.If your arches are low or average, you value the company of others,you are sociable and fairly extrovert. You enjoy having a good time and wantto ensure that others do, too.Little toe on its sideIf your little toe is on its side with the nail facing the wall instead of the ceiling then you are unconventional and rebellious; it’s my way or the highway!Second toe (next to the big toe) shaped narrow at the base and wide at the tipIf the base of your second toe (where it joins the foot) is much narrower than the tip, then whateveryou are feeling, you will express it much bigger than you feel it.

So if you’re in a good mood it’s great to be around you but if you’re in a bad mood, run for cover! In other words, you have ‘drama queen’ tendencies!Third toe tilted so the nail faces the little toeYou’re great at forward planning in terms of what you’re doing. You’re able to look ahead and consider the next steps.Hard skin around the outside edge of the heelThis indicates that you are feeling insecure about how you want to move forward and take the next step.Massive toe padsIf you are blessed with massive toe pads then youare a very deep thinker and you like to consider everything deeply and carefully.Long necks to the toesWhen viewing the sole of the foot, if the necks of the toes look long, then you are very expressive. You can talk for England!Tendon showing at base of big toe when feet are at restIf just your big toe tendon shows when you are sitting in a chair with your feet flat on the floor, then you are self-disciplined.Gap between second to third toeIf there is a gap between the top of the second andthe third toe then you are keeping your emotions separate from what you are doing. There are two reasons why this may be so. This could be because your work role requires detachment or it could be because you’re not enjoying what you are doing.Little toe separates from the fourth toeSpread out your toes. Can you separate your little toe from your fourth toe?The degree to which you can separate the little toefrom the fourth toe is the degree to which you are adventurous, need constant change, and hate routine. If things get too routined you’ll deliberately upset the apple cart to see what’s going to happen.Little toe can’t separate from fourth toeIf you can’t separate your little toe from your fourth toe then you need routine for your sense of security. You are loyal, reliable, and trustworthy and do not want too many surprises. We could setour clocks by you!Health secrets known through ToesFlaking Skin : In Chinese medicine, the skin represents your reaction to life. If foot skin is flaky, you are not looking after yourself. You’re pushing yourself too hard.

Flaky skin also indicates that you need more love in your life.DARK patches of skin on the Toe Pads : This can indicate depression; depressed people tend to walk on the front of their feet, pushing their weightforwards.Ridged Nails : If your toe nails are vertically ridged,then you may have a problem with your digestive and metabolic system. Try eating healthily. Horizontal ridges indicate very high stress levels.Bunions : When I see a bunion I see someone whois running themselves ragged for others. Stop, and think about yourself for a change.Calluses on the Ball of the Foot : The ball of the foot is associated with the shoulders. A callus here indicates someone with bad posture. Perhaps you’re exhausted or shouldering too much responsibility.Patches of Dark Red or Purple color : Darkened areas of skin indicate deep hurt. Patches of purple or red on feet point towards an emotional wound. If your feet are paler than the rest of your body,then your circulation is weak.Swelling under the Ball of Foot : The central area underneath the ball of the foot represents the stomach and liver. If there are swellings here, youshould cut back on alcohol and fatty foods.Soft spongy area around the Achilles Tendon : A squashy, spongy area around the Achilles tendonon the heel indicates fertility problems. Cutting back on caffeine and increasing the amount of water you drink will help.Cracked Heels : Indicates poor digestion,and that excess heat is produced in body which is not balanced.Should avoid spicy and fried food. Should always cover feet with socks and shoes.