Showing posts with label The positive and negative aspects of numbers in numerology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The positive and negative aspects of numbers in numerology. Show all posts

Wednesday 13 April 2016

The positive and negative aspects of numbers in numerology

The positive and negative aspects of numbers in numerology

Multi-facets of NumerologyHuman beings have multifaceted personalities. There is a good side as well as a bad side to each one of us. Our zodiac signs too have multiple facets – they determine both the positive and negative aspects of our character. Similarly, in numerology, numbers have positive and negative aspects.

These yin and yang aspects of each number need to be well-balanced in each individual.Negative and Positive influences of numbersBut this is not always true as not every aspect of anumber will influence the individual in every case. It will depend on each number’s position in a numerology profile.

Very few aspects of a number will manifest in any individual for their profile position. The position could be negative orpositive or all positive or all negative. In different positions, the aspects of the same number will be different.Positive or Negative outlook of lifeThe positive or negative influence of each numberalso depends on the person’s view of life. If they are optimistic, open to change, social and positive, they will be influenced by the positivity. Similarly, for negative influence, the person’s view of life maybe narrow, closed and so on. Let us now look at the positive and negative aspects of each number in numerology:Number 1For the first number in numerology, the positive aspects are:

Number 1 individuals are self-sufficient, love to explore and have great leadership skills. On the other hand, the negative aspects are: they come across as arrogant, are very impulsive and lazy in nature.

Number 2

For number 2, the positive aspects are: they are bountiful in nature, sensitive and very amicable, i.e. they get along well with almost everybody. Onthe other hand, the negative aspects of number 2 are that they are often very discontent individuals and because they are not satisfied, they are gullible and impressionable.

Number 3

For individuals born under number 3, the positive aspects are: they are social, have a good sense of humor and fun to be around people. On the negative side, they are negligent by nature and often skip important details. They are also very indecisive and accident-prone.

Number 4

For individuals born under the influence of number 4, their positive aspects are that they are very strong-willed folks who believe in perseverance. On the negative side, they are very impatient and very unpredictable.

Number 5

On a positive note, individuals born under number 5 are freedom loving individuals and veryimaginative by nature. As for their negative aspects, they are major risk takers, come across as unreliable and covetous.

Number 6

For individuals born under number 6, their positive aspects are that they love their domestic life, are friendly by nature and very compassionate. On the negative side, they are melancholic, are highly emotionally charged and are prone to promiscuity.

Number 7

For individuals born under number 7, their positive aspects are that they believe in the purpose of life, they are very orderly and intuitive. On the negative side, they are very indecisive, live in self-doubt and doubt others as well and very self-absorbed.

Number 8

For individuals born under number 8, their positive aspects are they have great business acumen, are nature lovers and are very self-contained.On the negative side, they are veryself-absorbed, boring and headstrong.

Number 9

On a positive note, individuals born under number 9 have aspects that very inspiring, impulsive and humane. On the negative side, theyare timid, easily angered and short-tempered.

By Nikita Banerjee