Showing posts with label THE ONES WHO NEVER GAVE UP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label THE ONES WHO NEVER GAVE UP. Show all posts

Tuesday 19 April 2016



Friend, I know you are hurting.I know you are scared.I know old horizons have fallen from view,and the days seem long.I cannot save you. I do not have the answers.I struggle myself sometimeswith the weight of incarnation.

But know that I am here for you.Know you always have a friend.Weep, and I will not judge you.Cry out. I will not shame you.Tell me your secrets. I will not run away.Even if we don't agree,I offer you the sanctuary of my presence.

Even if you lash out, even if I have to take space,even if we do not speak, or see each other for a time,I will not withdraw my love.You cannot destroy my love.I am a holding space, you see,a womb, and you my child,kicking and screaming now inside.And I know this is all leading to birth.And I know there will be blood, and crying.And I know we may not get through this unscathed.But I see your goodness.

Your power. Your strength.I see the light in you. The same light I see in myself.I see your longing for Truth. Your wide open heart.Your brilliance. Your courage. Your beauty.This love is not easy.No. It is forged in the fires of grief.And joy. And rage. And misunderstandings.And coming together.

And falling apart.And listening.And not being able to hear each other sometimes.And trying.And trying again.And letting go of the old ways.And feeling our feet on the same ground.And laughing sometimes at our strangeness.We, the ones who survived.The ones who never gave up on each other.

- Jeff Foster