Showing posts with label THE CAVE YOU FEAR TO ENTER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label THE CAVE YOU FEAR TO ENTER. Show all posts

Monday 18 April 2016



Public speaking was once my worst nightmare.I'd have panic attacks just sitting in the audience of a public event! I'd be there, drenched in sweat, my face purple, obsessing over the 'fact' that people were staring at me, judging me, thinking tothemselves how ugly I was, how pathetic, what a horrible, terrible failure of a human being.

I wasn't even on stage, yet I wanted to run, hide. Even die.Isn't it funny how, years later, life propelled me onto this spiritual path... and I ended up speakingin public for a living, sometimes to audiences of 100, 200, 400+. Just little old me, alone on stage, never knowing what to say, until words emerge from the vastness, and hundred of pairs of eyes looking on, watching, waiting.In the cave you fear to enter, lies the treasure you seek.

Joseph Campbell said something about that.Courage is not brute strength, I feel. It's simply thewillingness to feel your feelings. Let your thoughts dance their little dance. And keep going.

One step, then another.It's never as bad as you think. Because there is safety in the Heart.Nothing I thought was true.And everyone is allowed to dream their dream.

Thank you, life.

- Jeff Foster