Showing posts with label Remedial Measures for all star Signs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Remedial Measures for all star Signs. Show all posts

Monday 7 March 2016

Remedial Measures for all star Signs

Remedial Measures for all star Signs

Aries / Mesha Rasi(Aswani, Bharani, Krutika 1st pada) (For natives born between March 20th and April 19)1. Perform Tailabhishekam to Lord Sani on Saturday before Amavasya in the month.2. Donate yellow grams on Thursdays3. Donate Red grams and wheat grams on Tuesdays and Sundays respectively for the entire month.Feed the cow with sweet bread and donate liberally physically challenged poor beggars. Get the blessings of elderly ladies. Plant a red coloredflower plant in the place of residence. Perform Abhishekam to Lord Siva on Monday or Saturday.Taurus / Vrushaba Rasi(Krutika 2,3,4 , Rohini, Mrugasira 1st and 2nd pada) (For natives born between April 19th and May 20th)

1. Perform Tailabhishekam to Lord Sani on Saturday before Amavasya in the month.2. Perform milk abhishekam to Rahu on Saturdayor else perform japa to Lord Rahu.On Saturday perform pooja to Lord Anjaneya swamy and sugars mixed with black grams and place it on the northeast corner, which will be eaten by ants. A small quantity of rice and a silvercoil coupled and keep it in a hand kharchief kept in your pocket. When you go out for an important work, sweeten your mouth and you will get rid of bad elements.Gemini / Mithuna Rasi(Mrugasira 3rd and 4th, Arudra, Punarvasu 1,2 and 3rd pada)(For natives born between May 20th and June 21)1. Perform japa to Lord Guru.2. Pray sincerely to Lord Dakshinamurty.3. Donate yellow grams on Thursdays.Recite Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram every day. After completion of dinner/lunch better remainingeaten food to black dogs. Keep always green colored hand kharchief with silver coin in it and keep in your pocket.

After your wake up in the early morning touch the earth with your three fingers and pray Lord Vigneswara.Cancer / Karkataka Rasi(Punarvasu 4th pada, Pushami, Aslesha)(For natives born between June 21st and July 22nd)1. Perform Tailabhishekam to Lord Sani on Saturday before Amavasya in the month.2. Donate horse grams on Saturday and also perform japa to Lord Rahu.3. Perform milk abhishekam to Lord Rahu on Saturdays.The natives should take the blessings of mother or equivalent persons. Donate rice to poor people.Keep a silver coin in your pocket. Put Chandana tilakam on your forehead. Keep a natural money plant in your house. Do not wear black dress.Leo / Simha Rasi(Makha, Pooravphalguni,Uttaphalguni 1st pada)(For natives born between July 22nd and August 23rd)1. Perform Tailabhishekam to Lord Sani on Saturday before Amavasya in every month.2. Donate yellow grams on Thursdays.3. Donate horse grams on Saturday and also perform japa to Lord Rahu.4. Donate wheat grams on Sunday and Red grams on Tuesday.Feed the bread made of oil to black dogs. Wear a locket made of gold with the symbol of Ravi. Throw away the unused clocks, or unnecessary iron materials.

Put a horse pedal on the head of the Main entrance of your house.Virgo / Kanya Rasi(Uttaraphalguni2, 3, 4, Hasta, Chitta 1, 2)(For natives born between August 23rd and September 22)1. Perform Tailabhishekam to Lord Sani on Saturday before Amavasya in the month.2. Donate horse grams on Sundays.Perform Abhishekam to Lord Siva on Monday/Saturday. Feed the cow with green grass on Wednesday. Through away Green colored cloth or vegetables in a river. Do not keep money plant in your house. On your birth star day, feed three dogs with food. Do not speak unwanted words.Libra / Tula Rasi(Chitta 3, 4, Swathi, Visakha 1, 2, and 3)(For natives born between September 22nd and October 23rd)1. Perform milk abhishekam to Lord Rahu on Saturday.Honor your Parent’s words. Do not keep dry flowers or plant leafs in your residing premises. Feed a blind-eyed person on Friday. Keep a money plant on Wednesday. Do not wear black dress.Scorpion / Vruschika Rasi(Visakha 4, Anuradha, Jesta)(For natives born between October 23rd and November 22)1. Perform Tailabhishekam to Lord Sani on Saturday before Amavasya in the month.2. Perform milk abhishekam to Lord Rahu on Saturdays.3. Donate red grams on Tuesdays.4. Perform japa to Lord Sani and Rahu.Keep a red handkerchief in your pocket always. Donate sweet bread to beggars. Feed the ants with sugar. Perform pooja to Lord Anjaneyaswamy on Tuesday and if possible recite Sundarakanda Parayana everyday.Sagittarius / Dhannus Rasi(Moola, Poorvashada, Uttarashada 1)(For natives born between November 22nd and December 21)1. Donate yellow grams on Thursdays.2. Perform puja sincerely to Lord Ganesh every day.3. Donate Red grams on Tuesday and wheat grams on Sundays.Keep Yellow colored handkerchief in your pocket regularly. Keep yellow colored flowers in your home. Have dharshan of Lord Sai and distribute yellow grams to the devotees. On your birthday give dress materials with some fruits to your Guruand seek his blessings. Do not have any clashes with your parents.Capricorn / Makara Rasi(Uttarashada 2, 3, 4; Sravanam, Dhanista 1,2 )(For natives born between December 21st and January 20th)1. Perform Tailabhishekam to Lord Sani on Saturday before Amavasya in the month.Donate leather chapels and an umbrella to a Brahmin. Feed the beggars or physically challenged persons with bread. Pour cow milk in a floating river on Monday and Saturday.Aquarius / Kumba Rasi(Dhanista 3, 4; Satabhisham, Pooravabhadra 1, 2, 3)(For natives born between January 20th and February 18th)1. Donate horse grams on Saturdays.2. Perform Tailabhishekam to Lord Sani on Saturday before Amavasya in the month3. Recite moola mantra of Sani and Rahu regularlyKeep a silver coin in your pocket. Donate oil, black colored cloth, chapels and an umbrella on Saturday to a beggar. Better sleep on floor on Saturday.Pisces / Meena Rasi(Pooravabhadra 4, Uttarabhadra and Revathi)(For natives born between February 18th and March 20th)1. Donate horse grams on Saturdays.2. Perform milk abhishekam to Lord Rahu on Saturday.Keep Ganga water in your house.

Throw away unused or spoiled iron items from your house. Give a helping hand to the aged persons. Pour oil in a running river on Saturday and on Monday pour rice pixels in the same river.