Showing posts with label Ratna Shastra: The Mystery hidden in Gemstones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ratna Shastra: The Mystery hidden in Gemstones. Show all posts

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Ratna Shastra: The Mystery hidden in Gemstones

Ratna Shastra: The Mystery hidden in Gemstones

Vedic astrology or Jyotish is the “Science of Light”, an ancient astrological discipline that originated more than 5,000 years ago during the Pre-Vedic civilization of ancient India. The “Rishis”, a Sanskrit word meaning “seers” or high priests of the Vedas, cognized through transcendental visions, the connection between the celestial bodies of our solar system and the human body.The motion of the planets and their positions in relation to each other, acts upon us throughout our lifetime, just as the lunar phases push and pull the oceans and the seas.According to the Vedic science of astrology, the planets and all the stars in our universe represent certain energies, and, in fact, do emit magnetic and electric fields.

Vedic astrology held that each planet gives out its own, cosmic color, generatinga particular energy and influence that propagatesthroughout the cosmos. The transmission of these colored rays through space, accompanied by the energy-giving properties of heat, magnetism and electricity, have an influence on the life of every living creature.“Yat Pinde Tat Brahmande”“We, as microcosm, are just a reflection of the outer macrocosm.”The location of the various planets during a person’s birth, can be mapped scientifically through an astrological horoscope.According to it, certain planets will be well positioned, some will be unfavorable and some will give mixed results.Every person’s life is therefore, the result of this cosmic design, this planetary arrangement seen in the sky at the time of our birth, which originatedand resulted by activities and actions during our previous lives.Vedic astrology opines that karma is not eternal and can be changed. There are several ways to balance or enhance our planetary karma. Its methods include meditation (the greatest balancing method), physical postures (yoga), medicine (ayurveda), wearing of gemstones, color therapy, mantras, prayers, rituals, herbs, food, etc.Vedic astrology deals with seven visible planets and two invisible ones: the SUN, MOON, MARS, MERCURY, JUPITER, VENUS, and SATURN, alongwith the two lunar nodes, RAHU (ascending lunar node) and KETU (descending lunar node). These nodes are the two intersecting points of the solar and lunar planes as seen from the earth.Nine astrological gemstones are associated with these planets.

Associated with the Sun is the RUBY, with the Moon is the PEARL, with Mars is the RED CORAL, with Mercury the EMERALD, with Jupiter is the YELLOW SAPPHIRE, with Venus is the DIAMOND, with Saturn the BLUE SAPPHIRE, with Rahu the HESSONITE GARNET, and with Ketu is the CAT’S EYE CHRYSOBERYL. Associated with the nine planets are also the days of the week, different parts of the human body and different metals.However,todays science has found there is a enoughf scientific truth behind Planetary Gemology.GEMOLOGY: THE MYSTERY HIDDEN IN STONESOur great sages and polymaths perfected the art and the science of astrology in ancient times. As such astrology has witnessed continuous development and proliferated into many branches and divisions, all of which are equal in importance. Gemmology or the scientific and ethnic study of gemstones is an important and integral part of applied astrology. It is so popular among the Indian public that no one is certain as to when it had actually come into practice. Use of precious gems and stones has been an ancient practice in India. Some people believe that it is one or two thousand years old science while others maintain that science and art of gemmology originated about five or ten thousandyears ago. Scriptural evidences however show that concept of gemmology is as old as the creation itself. A very famous hymn says:SASHANKH CHAKRAM SAKIRIT KUNDALAM, SAPEET VASTRAM SARASI RUNEKSHANAM ||SAHAR VAKSH STHAL KAUSTUBHASHRIYAM, NAMAMI VISHNUM SIRASA CHATURBHUJAM ||Apart from many kinds of weapons, Lord Vishnu bears Kaustubha Mani (a gem named Kaustubh) on his chest.

This gem is most dear to Him. This hymn shows that even before the whole universe came into being, Lord Vishnu did have an existence and the gem Kaustubh also existed along with Him.During medieval period also, various scholars shed light on the science of gemmology. They authored many great scriptures as well. Acharya Varahmihir was the most prominent of those great scholars. A scripture Vrihat Samhita writtenby Varahmihir still has a wide recognition amongthe gemologists. It has a whole chapter, Ratnadhyay devoted to the comprehensive description of the gemstones. Among Puranas, Agnipurana contains exhaustive description about gemmology.In modern era also, countless scholars are continuously working with dedication in the field of gemmology. Thanks to their efforts that the science of gemmology is scaling new heights.In the present discussion, we shall try to find out:1) What are gems?2) Is wearing a stone mere superstition or it reallybears fruit?3) What is the chemical composition of the gemstones?4) In what circumstances should the gemstones be worn?5) In which circumstances should the gemstones not be worn?6) Which person should wear which stone?7) Which person should not wear which stone?8) How did the gemstones originate as per the religious scriptures of India?9) Stones of which planets can be worn together?10) Do the gemstones have medicinal use also? What is the gemopathy?11) What are the 6 jewels and how did they originate?12) How can the gems and jewels be classified?13) What is the total number of the gemstones and what are their names?Let us first try to understand what a gem is. We are all familiar with the adjective use of the wordsgem, jewel etc. Any dear one or prominent one is addressed as a ‘gem’ or ‘jewel’ in colloquial terms. Similarly anything that is rare in qualities, availability or virtues is also referred to as a gem or jewel. But literally, a gem is something that hasbeen dug out from earth or deep sea and has many rare but miraculous qualities. A gem is unique and often rare because of its specific composition. It may differ in effects, colour, tinge and hues. Similarly, prices of the same stone, may also vary with slight difference in appearance.All the gems and jewels however have one thing in common i.e. their hue.

A jewel has a distinct hue that differentiates it from the rest of the commonly available materials. Our learned sages have described eighty-four different kinds of gems and jewels among which nine are most important. Because of it, titles like Navratna (nine most precious gems) came into practice. But being superior in designation does not mean that the remaining seventy-five gems are totally worthless or not in common use. They too have their distinct appearance, beauty, hues and effects and are important accordingly. Their uses are also wide and varied such as personal beautification,adornment, house building, idol construction, exhibition of wealth and luxury etc. Thus, there are totally eighty-four gems and jewels of which nine are main (or more popular) and seventy-five are less popular.Though there are different classes and categories of the gems that distinguish them from one another, but gemstones belonging to the same category resemble one another to a great extent with slight variations in hues and appearance.Some of the stones have uniform colours like yellow, green, red, blue, violet, black or golden while many have a mixed hue of different colours.Each gem has its own importance. Regardless of category, a gemstone is priced according to its beauty, brilliance, appearance and purity. Lacking these qualities, a gemstone has no worthin the eye of a connoisseur. Diamond, sapphire, topaz, emerald and ruby belong to the category ofmost precious stones. All of them have their distinct chemical composition and are priced accordingly.Thus now we may say that-1) Gemstones are harder than ordinary stones.2) Gemstones are more brighter and smoother than ordinary stones.3) Distinct hue is the main feature of a gemstone.4) Usually, each gemstone radiates rays similar to its colour.5) Radiation effect of the gemstones is controlled and affected by the light and rays of the planets and group of stars situated in space.6) Gemstones have both positive and negative capacities.7) A particular gemstone prescribed for a particular planet receives the rays from that planet and facilitates them to enter our body.ORIGIN OF JEWELS: Experts have a difference of opinion regarding the origin of jewels. Researchers tell that many kinds of jewels are manufactured within the body of living organisms from the various actions and reactions of their blood, marrow, flesh etc. Some of the jewels are produced in nature through the reactions and combinations of different chemical compounds.

Still some jewels are obtained from specific vegetation, plants and rocks.Like gems, jewels too can be classified into different categories according to their appearances, effects and the compounds present within them. But before going through their physical classification,lets be familiar with the classification of jewels as has been mentioned in Indian scriptures. Through the origin of jewels as given in Indian mythology appears more like fantasies in the present scientific age, but it may have some degree of truth. Besides, it is relevant here to learn about the origin of jewels as described in mythology for various reasons. Hymns and other descriptions of Indian religious scriptures are more cryptic in nature and need proper deciphering for who knows what is hiddenin them. Gemmology is no exception in this context.According the great astrologer Varahmihir, jewels are of three kinds1) Jewels of the sky or heaven.2) Jewels of the earth.3) Jewels of the nether world.Thus, in all the three worlds, superior gems are found and the excellent among them are known as jewels.According to mythology, jewels found in heaven are-1) Kaustubh Mani.2) Chinta Mani.3) Syamantak Mani.4) Rudra Mani.1) Kaustubh Mani: It has a deep blue colour like ablue lotus and a radiance equal to the sun. It was obtained during the churning of the sea. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Vishnu wears Kaustubh Mani in a garland on his chest. This is said to be a powerful jewel and bestows fortune, luxuries as well as invincibility on to its wearer besides extremely beautiful and imposing.2) Chinta Mani: Name of this jewel is self-explicit.The wearer is freed from all the worries and fretting. It is white in colour and has a brilliant hue. It gives its wearer all kinds of wealth and comforts.3) Syamantak Mani: It is a common belief that this jewel adorns the necklace of Lord Surya (the sun god). It is said to have a brilliant blue hue that instantaneouslyblinds the onlooker. If it is taken in darkness, it fills the ambience with day-like light. There is an interesting tale related to this jewel.In the Dwapar Yuga, Lord Surya had presented the Syamantak Mani to his devotee Prasanjit as he was pleased by his devotion. Prasanjit visited the court of Lord Krishna wearing the jewel. All the courtiers were amazed by the brilliance of thisjewel and said to Prasanjit that he did not deservethe jewel, so he should present it to none other than Lord Krishna.

But Prasanjit did not want to present the jewel to Lord Krishna and stealthily left the court. Later on, Prasanjit’s brother whose having the Mani in his possesion went to the forests on a hunting excursion and was killed by a lion. The lion took the jewel with it but was killed by Jambvant, the ursine aid of Lord Rama. Jambvant took the jewel to his cave and gave it tohis daughter.Back there in the kingdom, when Prasanjit’s brother did not return for many days, suspicious fingers began to point at Lord Krishna. So, Lord Krishna set out to search Mani. Following the footmarks of Prasanjit brother, the lion and Jambvant, Lord Krishna reached the den of Jambvant and saw Jambvant’s children playing with the jewel. As soon as Lord Krishna took the jewel in this possession, Jambvant also arrived there and a fierce duel followed between them. At last Jambvant recognized Lord & presented Lord Shri Krishna the Mani with his daughter Jambvati . Thus recovering the jewel Syamantak, Lord Krishna returned to Dwarka and washed the blemish. It is believed now that Lord Krishna himself wears the jewel Syamantak.Rudra Mani: Nobody will be unaware of the bounty of Lord Shiva. His costumes as well as ornaments are strange. He wears only tiger’s skinand formidable black snakes around his shoulder. The gods presented Lord Shiva with a jewel that came to be known as Rudra Mani. LordShiva threadened the jewel among the beads of His rosary. The jewel has a brilliant, golden hue and three stripes on it. Like Lord Shiva, the jewel Rudra Mani is also benevolent in virtues.Thus, according to Hindu mythology, only four jewels come in the category of heavenly jewels. Now, lets understand something about the jewels that belong to the nether world.