Showing posts with label My Private Rocket Fuels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Private Rocket Fuels. Show all posts

Monday 25 January 2016

My Private Rocket Fuels

By Robin Sharma

Inspiration, elite energy and otherworldly production are not merely for the chosen few. You know that now.

These elements of a life lived at legendary come to anyone with the inclination–and dedication to setting up the right conditions, and taking the best actions.

So here, in the spirit of helping you make 2016 the year you shatter past limits and make exponential progress toward your greatest dreams, I share 5 of the fuels that work best for me:

Performance Fuel #1: Art

I remained energized off the fumes of being in the Sistine Chapel with my IconX coaching group for months after we were together there this past October.

Michelangelo’s masterpiece reminded me what human beings are capable of. And pushed me to raise my own standards while crushing my past interior barriers.

Eating at Kronenhalle in Zurich among the Picassos or spending a perfect afternoon at The Tate Modern in London awakens giant creativity, breeds uncommon ideas and keeps me in the pocket so I lift my craft. Art is like that. Allows you to spend time with heroic visionaries. And feed off their genius.

Performance Fuel #2: Nature

Sure you get the dopamine release pulsing through your brain. That’s cool and good. Great you get the metabolic rush, the wonderful oxygenation and the removal of toxins from your system. But communing with nature goes deeper than that.

For many years, I end my work day walking solo in the forest. This past year I’d race through the woods before sunset on my mountain bike like a kid on his first day of summer vacation (and I have the torn rotator cuff to prove it).

This practice regenerates my mind, replenishes my energy, forces higher perspective and maintains beautiful inspiration. And if you’re going through a painful season of your life, few things heal suffering as excellently as a long walk in nature. So please give this gift to yourself as you move through this year.

Performance Fuel #3: Conversation

Read Connected. Brilliant book. Key takeaway is this: one of the primary ways to sustain transformation is to associate with others making the same changes. We become like the people we spend most of our time with.

And as you become more positive, courageous, masterful and kind, you lift not only your friends but the friends of your friends–and THEIR friends–simply by your own elevation. Amazing science-based information, yes?

This means that if you…

…hang with energy vampires you’ll behave like a victim. Chill with game-changers and world-builders and their peer influence will cause new possibilities to open up in your thinking, feeling, crafting and producing.