I cannot change my mind, make up my mind, or lose my mind, just as the vastness of the sky cannot change the clouds, make them stop, or let them go. It can only be itself, prior to time.
The vastness is not the clouds, but it surely encompasses them, allows them to be. I am not contained by mind (thought), or held within it, or defined by it, but mind dances in what I am.
I am the uncontainable container, not the contained. I am consciousness itself. I cannot be changed, made up, or lost, yet I allow all change and loss within myself.I (beyond 'I') am a universe, and galaxies are bornand die in my infinite heart.
And lovingly I watch as mind dances its infinitely creative dance, swirling back and forth between all possibilities, never resting.Mind is always changing, yes, but I cannot change my mind.And so I remain, unchanged, present, at rest.
- Jeff Foster