Showing posts with label Healing between bullies and victims.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healing between bullies and victims.. Show all posts

Saturday 30 January 2016

Healing between bullies and victims.

Bullies and victims have the same fear. It is just expressed differently. The bully wants to be loved and respected but does not believe he deserves it, so he throws his weight about to make himself feel better or more important. The victim wants to be loved and respected but is afraid he is helpless and not good
enough. His fear attracts in a bully. The bully needs to surrender the feeling that he is powerless to get the love and respect he craves and be prepared to acknowledge his own worth.
The victim needs to surrender fear and lack of worth and be prepared to step into his power by claiming his courage and self respect.

Bully-victim situations sometimes arise between husband and wife, siblings, bosses and their workers, colleagues or companies. It occurs wherever there is fear. It does not matter whether the bully or the victim is ready to let go first and make peace. If this applies to you, do the unicorn healing rainbow and your unicorn will assist you. And if you observe the bully victim dance taking place between two people you know, call in the unicorns, open your heart and
create a healing rainbow from your heart to both of theirs.

Love Diana