Showing posts with label Eternity.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eternity.. Show all posts

Friday 6 May 2016



"We arrive into this world as energy, the same as stars, wildlife, wind and ocean. Messy, raw and continuously perfect in our chaos." - Victoria Erikson -"We are all sparks of the divine, infinite source; dispersed energy moving and vibrating, as the soul, through our physical form, yet always intrinsically one, due to our collective connection to the divine dimension, the light of consciousness itself. As sparks or starseeds, when the body tires and decays, we continue to glow and converge once again. Each spark is but a diffusion, an expansion of energy. The soul is eternal. Separation is a human phenomena." - Eden

-From an early age, when other children were just learning about the mechanics of the material world, how to write, read, add and subtract, Eternity spent much of her time in another world. Some say to this day, that she created that world to escape the realities of hers, that she created a fantasy to immerse herself in, that made her young life tolerable. Eternity never heard or acknowledged them. Those voices were simply background noise to her, white noise, she was lost in conversation with another time, another space, another dimension.Initially Eternity found it difficult to stay grounded in her human form on the physical and material plain, for her, her world was a far more familiar and comforting place, a place where she felt at peace and connected, no emptiness, no loneliness, no fear, sorrow or pain. But Eternity soon learned to slip skilfully and deftly between the two, not because she wanted to but because if she were to survive in the dense, heavy vibrations of earthly life she had no other choice.

She learned to plan her visits to the higher dimensions mostly when alone or in her sleep when she could travel with out the weight of her mortal coil and sour through the cosmos back to her true home.Eternity was a very sensitive child, empathic, to a sometimes painful level. She had a wisdom beyond her years and a sharp, unnerving insight. This frightened the sleepers of the world and disturbed their immensely controlled equilibrium.Those, firmly embedded in a life partitioned into boxes and straight lines, formulates and conclusions and in the concept of definite beginnings and endings. This girl wasn't afraid totake risks or jump into what others called 'the unknown' because for her there was no unknown,no fear, no uncertainty about who she was, what she was nor where she came from and ultimately return to.

Eternity was labelled a dreamer, unrealistic, an impossible idealist but she was stronger than the masses and stayed focused and determined in her vision and remained unshaken by the critics and cynics. As she grew older she explored all aspects of herself physical and non physical and blossomed into an extremely creative and expressive woman who people were drawn to by some inexplicable and at times seemingly, hypnotic force. They began to call her special, charismatic, a bright light, filled with grace, a healer, 'not of this world!'. It was as if, with no effort on her part, the skeptics began seeing something beyond her physical form, something intangible, far bigger than they could possibly comprehend.

People who met this unfathomable woman began to change, to question the world and explore their inner selves, and challenge theircarefully constructed, long held belief systems. She appeared to become a catalyst for growth and spiritual awakening.Finally after many years in human form, Eternity now felt at ease and settled, at least temporarily, in the material world of the 3rd dimension. She became a counsellor to the dying and bereaved as somehow her very unearthly presence transformed their agonizing fear that death was the end of existence. She was the arms of love that carried, led and welcomed the departed soulshome. Her glowing, awe consuming aura drew people closer to peace and acceptance within, as the cloak of death grew closer and they prepared to depart.

They felt her ethereal quality and captivating, mysterious energy soothing their fear.Eternity was the light at the end of the tunnel when all seemed lost and forgotten and hopeless.When lives and families were torn apart with loss and grief, when lovers were seemingly parted for ever, Eternity revealed herself to them. She came into the world only to show others the way back out of it and to put their fear and hopelessness to rest. She came to break their dogmas, illusions and misconceptions.She tore down their concrete images of the finite, and revealed to them the infinite continuum of existence, the merging of life and death into a vortex of ever expanding and moving energy full of everything and nothing. Eternity was a catalyst. Hearts opened and minds awakened to their immortality,to the realisation that every perceived ending is infact a beginning and that their souls were inexorably entwined in the perpetual circle of life and divine consciousness. With Eternity present there was no death, no separation, no need for goodbyes, these beliefs were just momentary lapses in realities, of dreamers caught up by flimsy veils of illusion, in the material world. As more and more souls were awakened by Eternity's touch, she watched lovingly as their fear of death melted away, as they began to understand ......." I am not this hair, I am not this skin, I am the soul that lives within". ( Rumi ).

Listen to the wisdom of Eternity, she will never leave you. Hold her close as death draws near, and your own bright spark of existence; your soul,prepares to ascend from your body in order to return home and begin again. Have faith, Eternity will be right there beside you, always and forever.- Eden-"Make your last journeyfrom this strange worldsoar for the heightswhere there is no moreseparation of you and your home" - Rumi-With divine love , Eden