Showing posts with label Diseases and Gems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diseases and Gems. Show all posts

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Diseases and Gems

Diseases and Gems
Our body is composed of seven colors of our solar spectrum. They are violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. When there is a deficiency or absence of any one of these primary colors in our body, we get attacked by the disease caused by that deficiency. The disease can be cured by injecting rays into our body by wearing gems & stones.

Gems act like a vaccine in preventing diseases. Wearing gems along with proper medication will prove very useful during ill health. Diseases like Arthritis, Asthma, Eczema, Paralysis, Heart diseases, Menstrual disorders, Diabetes, Fevers, Kidney problems, Impotency, Blindness, Mental illness, Jaundice, Brain tumors and Cancer etc., can be cured to some extent by use of appropriate gems.

Gems possess mystical and divine powers. For example, Coral can be used as protective charm for children. Ruby acts as an antidote against poison and Yellow Sapphire will overcome protracted delay in marriage of girls. These Gems releases particular rays and suppose red rays were absent, disease like anemia, fever, inflammation and weakness would affect the body. These diseases can be cured by injecting red rays into our body by wearing gems of red plants, Sun and Mars. Their gems are Ruby and Red Corals. When these gems come into our body, whereby deficiency is restored and we then become free from such diseases. Gems along with appropriate medication will act as an effective antidote.
Medicines should always be taken first, while gems are worn generally as a side helper for quick recovery from diseases. Beware that secondary-stones (Up-Ratna) are never effective in diseases.


It is never safe to wear any gem otherwise suggested by a good Astrologer. In order to prescribe any gem it is necessary to know the suitability of these gems for the native. This can be recommended on the basis of one’s natal chart which needs to be thoroughly examined. So, please take extra care about these to derive maximum advantage from the use of the gems and do consult a knowledgeable Astrologer when you wish to get one.