Showing posts with label Decode Your Karmic Debt in Lines of Hand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Decode Your Karmic Debt in Lines of Hand. Show all posts

Friday 19 February 2016

Decode Your Karmic Debt in Lines of Hand

Decode Your Karmic Debt in Lines of Hand

Significance of lines in your palmDo you see Difference in Lines of Right and Left hand. This is a significance of our past Karma which can be judged in our palm in form of Lines on Hand. I have seen thousands of hand with difference is lines of both hands. It is not a subjectto worry instead to realize and judge our deeds and actions . Lillie difference in both hand lines can be avoided but too much of difference in both hand is not considered good.Which hand reflects past KarmaOur passive hand is a hand of our past karma .

The hand we use less while working is called passive hand which can be left or right as it differs from person to person . Our active hand with which we write it reflects present karma.Which Lines are badBreak in Major lines like life line, Head Line, HeartLine in Left Hand are or say passive hand is not considered good they do talk about some kind of karmic debt.Which Lines are goodStraight deep lines are good. They make person successful, happy, going and energetic.What happens if Right hand Lines are goodRight hand is our present karma, our actions.

The good straight Major lines of right hand talks about improvement in life made by us. By our good deeds, actions right planning. This makes person wealthy. Wise and Confident Lucky. On the other hand if active hand lines are bad then it indicate that native has spoiled his destiny due to wrong actions , lack of knowledge stubbornness.. .Connection of Past and Present KarmaAs per my father professor Dayayand Verma our past present and future to most extent depend on our past karma and Genes . He says the lines are formed in our subconscious brain, and our Subconscious brain is storing house of our present and past thoughts and deeds. We can take it as computer hard drive The event that our important are recorded in our subconscious brain. Our hand has direct link with our subconscious mind .The book Human Physiology edited by E.B Babsky says that 25% of human brain somatosensory area is controlled by hand . So we can say whatever is in mind is in our hand and that we way a good palmist can read past, present and future.Difference in HandsThe difference In both hand show weather you have improved or spoilt your Karma .

And the good news is that we can change it as well with our intelligence.Have you Improved or spoiled your karmaIf the active hand or working hand has bad lines that means you have spoiled your future with your wrong decisions . Good Straight lines is good significance brings better fortune .Decode the Karmic DebtIn this picture there is difference in both hand head Line . The Right hand head Line is broken and has island where as Left hand Head Line is Straight and Joined . head Lines talks about intelligence level , use of brain , ideas , planning capacity, self earned money , organ Head , Spinal Cord And Blood pressure The joint Head Line in left hand gave him good parental standing . finance, wealth money , birth in a good family adding luck.

The broken Head Line in right hand Indicate that due to wrong planning , working, lack of judgment he faced savoir career problem leading to financial crises thus spoiled his moneycondition and health which leaded him financial Debt and Heart attack .More factsSo many times It can occur that the left- and the right-hand are very different and therefore show different properties. This can bring big change in life This can mean that an emotional property haschanged dramatically or that you are conforming to certain, daily situations or routine. It can also happen that your left-hand shows a talent but your right-hand doesn't. This means that you haven’t fully developed that talent or that you are not aware of it. Also differences can indicate that it looks like that it goes well with you but that in reality – mentally – you are sick or weak.Difference between the right and left handsWhen there is little difference between the two hands than you have a balanced and harmoniouscharacter and also your inner life is in balance. Inthat case you are just yourself and treat everyone equally.

We can Improve our karmaThe difference in lines of both hand is self made. We can change this difference for brighter future by self analysis ,meditation , our habits our work culture and positive thinking and correct balance