Showing posts with label COMING OUT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COMING OUT. Show all posts

Sunday 24 April 2016



I am gay.I am straight.I am lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, transgender. Iam a man, I am a woman, and everything in-between. I am a Christian, a Jew, a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Muslim, a Sikh, a humanist, a pagan, a satanist.

I am an agnostic, an atheist, a nihilist, a dualist and a non-dualist, a believer, a non-believer...I am the space for laughter, tears, agony and ecstasy, the most ecstatic bliss and the most profound heartbreak, despair and disillusionment.

I am the space for the wonderful dreams, the terrible nightmares, memories, visions and the most creative manifestations of light.

All thoughts, all stories, all concepts, all sensations, all possible feelings, human and animal, vegetable and mineral, pass through me, arise out of me, and fall back into me...I am Consciousness itself.

I am what you are.I am coming out as Love.

- Jeff Foster