To dream, journey or simply have the totem of black panther walking with you, is to know that you are fiercely guided, guarded and protected beyond belief!
This is ancient power providing a platform for you to befriend your shadows, release your fears and trust in the wisdom within you. Panther does not seek approval and sprints with speed - offering a quick decisive course of action for the new beginnings that are now upon not waste your energy dwelling on doubt, raise your awareness and reclaim your golden good.
You are deeply intuitive....your goal and your gift now is to use this spark of Divine intelligence and ask yourself "what are you born to become?" Be brave, your answers may surprise you!\
Panther manifests with the magic of the moon cycles...feminine frequencies that settle gently on your soul, promoting patience as you co-create with the universal understanding of Divine timing for Divine in your truth.
May all Soul Travellers support stillness in your the silence you begin to actually see your infinite potential..namaste