Showing posts with label Aghora and Tantra -. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aghora and Tantra -. Show all posts

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Aghora and Tantra -

Aghora and Tantra -

A Simple Method of Making and Preparing a KavachOnce you have progressed through the posts you will be ready to take the next step in preparing for Aghora sadhana, the creation and use of a Tara Kavach.A Kavach is a type of magical armor used in Tantra and usually consists of a silver container which contains a yantra and several other magical ingredients.The Kavach is prepared by painting the yantra on a piece of birch bark (Bhojpatra) , pran pratishta is performed on the yantra installing the divinity into it and then an appropriate hawan is performed in which the appropriate divinity is evoked and the yantra and ingredients charged .The yantra is rolled up or otherwise placed in the container as are the other ingredients and the container is sealed.The Kavach is then further charged by being held in the right hand while a course of mantra jap is completed with an appropriate mantra.

Once created and charged the Kavach is worn on a daily basis after reciting the mantra it was charged with.The use of a Kavach can protect its wearer from many injuries and illnesses.When dealing with spirits and other magicians it is always recommended that you have a properly prepared Kavach so that you won't be taken off guard in any kind of attacks which may be made against your person.In addition to warding off attacks the protection ofa Kavach can be instrumental in attaining success in the pursuit of Moksha as it negates thenegative effects of circumstance, conditioning, and karma as well.Simple method of preparing and charging a Shmashana Tara Kavach will be outlined.Shmashana Tara means "the Star of the Cremation Grounds" in Sanskrit, this can be interpreted as "the hope and light for those who must die".Tara is one of the Mahavidya Devis, Mahavidya means "great wisdom" in Sanskrit.The Mahavidyas have been very important in many Tantric systems and Shmashan Tara is important in Aghora as well.

In appearance Tara is very similar to Kali Mata but whereas Kali is represented as black Shmashana Tara is represented as deep blue, though there are different Taras in Hindu Tantric traditions which have different colors (such as red etc…) and different attributes as they are different Devis. Shmashana Tara also carries scissors while Kali is never represented with this attribute.In the days when Buddhist Tantrikas still mingledwith the mighty Kapalikas in the Shmashana theylearned many different techniques and a great deal of knowledge was shared between both traditions. One of the things the Buddhists received from the Kapalikas was Tara Mata and she is now a very important feature in Tantric Buddhism appearing in many forms.Tara is a great and mighty protectress and tutelary divinity in her own right, she can open many of the twilight and ghora aspects of existence to the practitioner but for the purpose of this post we will be dealing with her aspect of Initiatrix and Protectress of the Cremation Grounds and Vama Marga traditions.The symbolism image of Tara is deep, the meanings of things like the Rite of the Five "M"s relates to various levels, one being the literal enactment, another way to look at it is that the parched grains are Tapasya, eating fish is Pranayama, eating meat is Kechari Mudra, sex is the union of Kundalini Devi with Shiva in Sahashrara Chakra, and wine is the Amrita whichflows into the mouth during Samadhi and is saved due to Kechari.

To make this simple Kavach you will need a tabeez locket, black chirmi seeds, red chirmi seeds, white chirmi seeds, a black turmeric rhizome, Kamakyah sindoor, one sheet of birch bark, red paint, a very small tipped paint brush, epoxy glue.Once you have all the supplies necessary you should begin practicing drawing the Tara yantra on several pieces of paper using a pencil, create aseries of 1" x 1" squares and practice drawing the yantra inside these squares; once you have reached the point where you can draw the Tara yantra in these squares on a piece of paper draw about 4 or 5 on different pieces of paper and practice painting over the pencil lines using the red paint and the small tipped paint brush.Keep practicing until you are able to make a very good quality Tara Yantra on paper, then use a pencil to draw the yantra on a 1"x 1" square of thebirch bark.Using the red paint and small tipped brush paint the yantra on the birch bark and let it dry.Once you have the yantra prepared you will want to make sure that the black turmeric rhizome is dried and you will slice off several thin slivers which will be placed in the tabeez with the yantra and other ingredients after the Hawan is completed.Depending on the size of the tabeez you have you will place between one and three chirmi seeds of each color, black, red, and white, into the tabeez at the end of the Hawan and so will want to determine how many you will be using and have them ready with the other ingredients before commencing the Hawan.The Tara Hawan will be performed exactly like the Hawan except for the following details…The initial sticks will be placed in the Hawan Kund in the form of a Hexagram and then a triangle.A red cloth should be placed at the foot of the Hawan Kund the Tara yantra will be placed flat on the red cloth and there should be enough roombetween the yantra and the haw an so that the basil leaf and rice can be placed between the yantra and the Kund without touching the yantra.

The chirmi seeds, turmeric, and Kamakyah sin door, on the red cloth between yourself and the yantra.In Step 6 of the Hawan before proceeding with thestep Pran Pratishta is performed on the Tara yantra.Pran Pratishta is the method of installing a divinity in an object for the purposes of worship and communication.To perform the Pran Pratishta for any Deva or Devi the following steps can be used...1. Holding a flower for offering close your eyes and allow your body to relax feeling all tension just melt away leaving you calm and clear.Silently chant the mantra "Om Streem Treem Shmahshahnah Tahrahyay Nahmahah" several times (if you are performing the Pran Pratishta foranother Devata than a mantra for that Deva should be used at this point).2. Focus your awareness on your breath and begin to control the breathing (this is called pranayama) inhaling for a slow count of seven, hold the breath in the lungs comfortably and without straining for a slow count of seven, exhale for a slow count of seven, hold the breath with the lungs empty comfortably and without straining for a slow count of seven, begin again with the next inhalation. Spend a little time breathing in this slow controlled manner.3. Allow your attention to focus on the Heart Center, this is a different thing than the Anahat Chakra, the Heart Center is in the center of your chest directly in front of Anahat, this center is considered the seat of the Atman and is the root ofyour being.The Heart Center should be visualized as a sphere the size of a plum composed of a clear radiance.As attention is focussed on the Heart Center allowthe image of Shmashana Tara to arise within the clear light of the Heart Center (if you are performing Pran Pratishta for another Devata then the image of that Devata would be used here).Relax and focus on the image and allow it to become as clear and as solid as possible.After the inhalation and while the breath is being retained focus completely on the image of Tara and then as you exhale onto the flower allow the image to follow the breath out of your Heart Center and out of your body coming to rest on top of the flower.

Place the flower on top of the center of the yantra and chant the mantra"Om Streem Treem Shmahshahnah Tahrahyay Nahmahah" several times (if you are performing the Pran Pratishta for another Devata than a mantra for that Deva should be used at this point).Shmashana Tara is now actually physically present in the yantra and should be treated with respect and devotion.Say "Om Pooshpuhm Suhmarpuhyamee"(this means “Om I give you flowers”).Take the vessel of water and dipping the fingers of your right hand in the water sprinkle the water off your hand around the yantra saying the mantra“Om Pahneeyahm Suhmarpuhyamee”(this means “Om I give you water”).4. At the end of the Hawan before it is closed with the final mantra of Step 10 return your attention tothe flower in the center of the yantra and allow yourself to see Shmashana Tara standing upon it using your mind's eye.With great respect pick up the flower. Close your eyes and regulate your breathing as before. Once your are calm and relaxed and the breath is regulated allow the image of Tara to follow your breath on the inhalation back to the Heart Center.Spend some time contemplating her in the Heart Center and then when you are ready allow the image to dissolve back into the clear light.The Pran Pratishta is effective because there is only one Atman, this means that the Self of every Deva or Devi is the same as the divinity inherent in your being.After Pran Pratishta has been performed at the start of Step 6 the mantra "Om Streem Treem Tahrahyay Swahah" should be used for the 108 ghee offerings. No second set of bij mantras is used in this Hawan.The mantra for Step 7 is "Om Tahrahyay Chah Veedmuhay Mahnoh Gruhahyay Deemahee Tahnoh Dayvee PrahchohdahyahtSwahah".Once you have completed Step 9 and have communed with Tara and silently repeated her mantra 108 times complete Step 4 of the Pran Pratishta and then roll up the yantra and slide it into the tabeez, place the Kali Haldi (black turmeric), some of the Kamakyah sindoor, and thechirmi seeds into the tabeez. Place a very small amount of epoxy glue around the cap to the tabeez and seal it shut making sure to wipe off any epoxy that may surround the lip with a clean cloth used only for that purpose.

Now hold the tabeez in your right hand and using your japa mala say the mantra "Om Streem Treem Shmahshahnah Tahrahyay Nahmahah" 108 times while concentrating on this mantra infusing and charging this Kavach with its power and energy.Complete Steps 10 and 11.Having created and charged a Kavach is a very important step in your development and you should perform this Hawan three times total to strengthen the charge and effectiveness of the Kavach, to do this, after the initial charging just place the Kavach on the red cloth where the yantra was and treat it exactly as the yantra was treated during the initial Hawan, in other words perform Pran Pratishta on the Kavach etc…You are now ready to wear your Kavach, it is traditionally worn around the neck strung on a black cord, something like the paracord used in the Kilana Circle described in this post would work perfectly.When you put on your Kavach recite the mantra"Om Streem Treem Shmahshahnah Tahrahyay Nahmahah" while holding it in your hand before putting it on.

By Bhuteshvari Das