Friday 6 May 2016

Japa Malas / Rosary Beads

Japa Malas / Rosary Beads

Japa mala is a string of prayer beads used for reciting or chanting a mantra or other forms of spiritual exercise or sadhana, generally known as"japa/jaap". The mala beads are in sets of 27, 56 or 108 repetitions. A jaap/japa mala is very popular among Indians. A jaap mala is a very practical tool for meditation.Why do you use the Japa Mala?Rosary beads is used to keep the mind focussed on the meditation. It is a known fact that the mind tends to wander off all time, especially during the meditation practice. If your energy is low at the time of meditation, you can fall asleep.

If the energy is too high, you can be distracted in other ways. During such times, the japa mala provides the much needed anchor. The prayer beads are moved in rhythm with the breath and the mantra, and hence both-sleep as well as excessive mental distraction are prevented by this action upon the beads.For WearingA Rosary Beads when around the neck is also a wonderful accessory to meditation.

This personalmala which when used regularly with a personal mantra, absorbs the vibrations of the practice andthe mala becomes like a close friend or a comfortable piece of clothing. The japa mala, when worn also acts as a talisman and maintains a positive flow of energy throughout the body.How to Use a Japa Mala/Rosary Beads?Hold your japa mala in your right hand.The index finger is extended and should not touchthe japa mala.Use your thumb to touch the bead for counting each mantra during the recitation. Then lightly push the bead away on completion and move on to the next bead.The large meru (mountain) bead is the starting and ending point on the mala for counting the repetitions but should not be counted or touched by the thumb.Continue counting by pulling the beads and going backwards until you again end at the meru.Continue till you have done 108 repetitions or multiples of 108.If you have a wrist mala of 27 beads you will needto repeat this 3 more times.

Whenever the japa mala is used by anyone, it automatically conditions the mind to the meditative state.Types of Japa MalasA wide variety of materials are used to make japa mala beads and each material has certain properties which subtly affect the subconscious mind of the practitioner. Some of the commonly used japa malas are as follows :

1. Lotus seed Mala (Kamal GattaMala)This mala made of Lotus seeds is used for chanting mantras of Goddess Laxmi. Loose lotus beads are offered to Her during prayer rituals. Devotees often wear this mala around their neck.2. Haldi/Turmeric MalaIt is used to perform Anusthan (special prayers) and destroy enemies and succeed in law suits. If a man has fallen prey to Jaundice, he should wear a mala of turmeric beads to be cured faster.3. Putra Jeeva malaIt is used in Sadhana for having an off spring in the family.4. Sandal Wood Garland & MalaMala made of white sandal wood is used for peace and empowering rituals and for worshipping deities. Sandal wood garland is good for welcoming and honouring guests.

5. Silver Beads MalaTo fulfill any sacred and virtuous objective, silver beads mala is the most effective. It is representative of planet Moon and Goddess Parvati.6. Kusha root MalaThe mala, made from the roots of kusha grass is used for all sacred & Virtuous activities.7. Red sandal wood malaRed Sandalwood is the representation of Lord Brahma and blessed by Goddess Lakshmi. Red Sandalwood mala soothes pitta dosha and helps one to conquer the senses. It is said to magnetize positive vibrations. Wearer of red sandalwood mala enjoys all comforts at his authority. It is recommended for Headache, Heart Diseases and Right Eye Defect.8. Rose wood malaRosewood mala imparts compassion and love to the wearer. The energy of rosewood is primarily feminine and focused on spiritual, intuitive healthand beauty. Rosewood is especially effective in spiritual healing and nourishing.9. Tulsi Mala and Kanti (Neck Mala)This mala is regarded as the best for worshippingLord Vishnu, Ram and Krishna. According to Ayurveda, it is very useful for healing diseases related to throat. It is also used for purification of the body.10. Conch MalaIt is used for special tantric rituals. It is said that tantra does not work on a person wearing conch shell mala.

11. Vaijanti MalaVaijanti is used for Vashikaran(attraction) and Devi Siddhi ( Meditation) as this Vaijanti seed comes from the forests where the Gods and Goddess eternally make love. This is a glossy seed that grows in the forests of Braj. As per primeval texts Krishna made mala for Radha and Ram for Sita out of Vaijanti seeds . This mala is loved by both Lord Vishnu and Krishna and it hascommon faith amongst the people that wearer of this Vaijanti mala by no means loses anything in life as it is also called Mala/Rosary of victory.12. Rudraksha MalaIt is very effective and is used in all kinds of rituals while worshipping gods, goddesses and nine planets. If any particular mala is not available, a rudraksha Mala is could be used without any hesitation only with exception of mantras of killing others (maran) and yakshni Sidhi. Thus it is regarded as the best of all rosaries.13. Quartz (Sphatik or Crystal) MalaIt is the best mala for counting beads while chanting Durga mantras and Mahalaxmi mantras. If it is worn, the mind becomes pacified and quiet. He who wears it, becomes favorite of Lord Shiva.14. Coral MalaIt is used for sadhana and worship of Lord Ganesh, Hanuman and Mars planet. It is also useful for people who are prone to anemic condition.

15. Navratna MalaThis is used to get energies from the nine planets. There are nine precious stones corresponding to the nine planets in it. It gives good luck when it is worn.16. Amber MalaIt is recommended for diseases related to blood.17. Kaharwa MalaIt is put around the neck of the patients of jaundice. It cures the disease very soon.Similarly there are many rosaries made of semi precious stones of different planets. For example there are garlands of Garnet, Pearl, Jade, Onex, Topaz, Blue Sapphire, Topaz Onex, Topaz Zircon, Cat's eye, Amethyst, Rose quartz, Tiger, Agate andMoonstone. These malas are very useful in pacifying the inimical planetary influences in one's life. A combination of Rudraksha and Pearl mala, Rudraksha and sphatik mala and Rudraksha and coral mala is very popular.What is Sumeru (The Head of the Mala) ?Sumeru is a prominent bead, which is normally the central position of the rosary. The Sadhaka while rotating the rosary during Mantra Jaap should not overtake this Sumeru while counting and from there he should count the recitation in the reverse order. This bead stores the energy of the Japa and should be touched on forehead aftercompletion of Japa. For wearing mala this sumeru bead is not necessary.

Different Types of Rosaries used in JapaFor the worship and rituals of almost all the gods and goddesses, the Japa (frequent Chanting) of some mantras is compulsory with definite number according to the God and the Goddess each for the fulfilment of desires. In this case Mala is the best means to count beads for counting the mantra. It can be asked why there are only 108 beads in a Mala.At first it tells us how many times we have counted the mantra.Secondly a subtle electric current is created in themind by rubbing of the thumb with finger. This electric current influences the heart through Vegas Veins and makes the mind concentrate deeply.

According to astronomy there are 27 constellations (group of stars) in the universe andeach constellation (group of stars) has four quadrants (charan) hence there are 24x4 = 108 quadrants in all. The constellation has again been divided into 12 equal parts corresponding 12 signs of zodiac and there are only 9 planets in the universe if we multiply them together the result will be 108 [12x9 = 108]. Thus 108 is the best number to join the Individual consciousness with the Absolute Consciousness.

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