Wednesday 6 April 2016

Why Shiva is considered as reliever of death?

Why Shiva is considered as reliever of death?

Because Shiva Killed Yama for his devote Markandeya.The story follows..

1. The kalankata avatar of ShivaKalantaka (Ender of Death) is an part of the Hindugod Shiva as the Vanquisher of Time and Death, itself personified by the god Yama. He is represented as defeating or killing Yama when the concluding comes to take the life of Shiva's aficionado Markandeya . Shiva is often represented as dancing on Death, personified by Yama.2. Shiva dancing on deathThis occurrence is believed as happened at Triprangode, Tirur,Malappuram district, Kerala where the Kalasamharamurthy Temple is positioned. Another chief temple steadfast to Kalantaka is situated at Thirukkadavoor,Tamil Nadu of South India, however the Kalantaka icon is found molded in many Shiva temples in the South.3. Markandeya’s SaviourThe fable of Shiva as Markandeya's saviour is an important one on redemption in Tamil Shaivism. The following tale is from the Thirukkadavoor shrine, which is dedicated to Kalantaka. The sageMrikandu implored to Shiva at Vilvavanam for a son. Shiva presented him a choice: a righteous son who would live 16 years, or 100 long-lived, foolish sons. Mrikandu chose the former and consequently had a son, whom he named Markandeya.4. Mahamritunjaya MantraAs Markandeya neared the end of his fifteenth year, the god Brahma taught him a mantra named“Mahamrityunjaya Mantra” (means "the great death-conquering" mantra- Sanskrit) that subjugated death and sanctified him with long life. As per Brahma's advice, Markandeya implored to Shiva, worshipping the linga (Shiva'saniconic symbol) south of Vilvavanam, later identified with the present Thirukkadavoor.The gods beseeched with Shiva to extend Markandeya's life and Shiva complied.

5. Yama failed to approach Markandeya’s soulAs per his intention, the envoys of Yama came to take away Markandeya's soul, but failed to approach him as he ceaselessly recurrent Shiva'sname. Yama came himself to take Markandeya's soul and told Markandeya to stop his worship and come with him as per his fate.6. Yama stopped Markandeya to pray ShivaMarkandeya rejected, cautionary Yama that he was obligating an offence against Shiva. Yama, however, asserted that not even Shiva could stop him.7. Shiva killed YamaThe furious Yama assumed an impressive form and threw his noose to imprisonment Markandeya, who embraced the linga firmly. When the noose heartened the linga, Shiva appeared from it and struck Yama with his Trishula and kicked his chest, killing the lord of death.8. Supreme Father ShivaSages, gods and other beings appeared to praise Shiva, who blessed Markandeya to remain a youth of 16 for seven kalpas (aeons). As no one endured in the world to make beings die, the earthbecame fraught by evil beings.9. Shiva Gave life to YamaThe earth, the gods, and Markandeya invoked Shiva to resuscitate Yama. Once again, Shiva touched Yama with his foot, bringing him back to life. A consequence from Thiruvanmiyur to this tale relates how Shiva resuscitated Yama on the request of the gods and Yama worshiped Shiva atThiruvanmiyur to apologize for his sin.10. Maha Mritunjaye Mantra

ॐ त्रयम्बकं यजामहेसुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम् ।उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान्म्रुत्योर्मुक्षिय मामृतात् ॥Om Tryambakam YajamaheSugandhim PustivardhanamUrvaarukam-Iva BandhanaanMrtyor-Mukssiiya Maa-[A]mrtaat ||Meaning:1: Om, We Worship the Three-Eyed One (Lord Shiva),2: Who is Fragrant (Spiritual Essence) and Who Nourishes all beings.3: May He severe our Bondage of Samsara (Worldly Life), like a Cucumber (severed from the bondage of its Creeper), ...4: ... and thus Liberate us from the Fear of Death, by making us realize that we are never separated from our Immortal Nature.

11. Combination of Maha, Mrityun and JayaMahamrityunjayaMantra is one among the optimum Mantra's in Indian Mythos and Spirituality belongs to Lord SHIVA.IT is a amalgamation of three hindi language words i.e."Maha" which means Countless , "Mrityun" meansDecease and "Jaya" means Success which turns into Conquer or victory over death. It is also known as "Rudra Mantra" or "Trayambakam Mantra". Rudra refers to Lord Shiva.12. Yama prays ShivaThe Thirukkadavoor and Thiruvanmiyur shrine legends recount how Yama assurances never to touch Shiva's devotees. Shiva's aficionados on death are unswervingly taken to Mount Kailash, Shiva's dwelling, on death and not to Yama's hell.13. Death is far away from the Shiva’s devoteeThe fable establishes that the true aficionado achieves freedom from death and samsara by worship of Shiva. It also proves that egotism and arrogance (here of Yama) are always chastened.14. Owner of life “Shiva’The preeminence of Shiva and his triumph over his own nature – Shiva is himself identified with death – is also established. The legend of Thirukkadavoor lays down the foundation rules of Shiva.15. Importance of Poornima for Praying ShivaShiva's representation as Kalantaka is popular inSouth India, but delimited largely to this region.A relief of Kalantaka in Chidambaram Temple is been curved into a shrine and is offered special worship on Kartik Poornima, the full moon day of the Hindu month of Kartik.

By Athira Manesh

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