Saturday 23 April 2016



And sometimes you are walking down a familiar path on a spring morning, and there are questions raging, questions that seem to demand immediate answers.

What to do with this precious gift of a life? Where to go? What to say next? Which choice to make or not make? Which voice to listen to? How to make everything okay again? How to hold it all together? How to avoid falling apart?And suddenly the questions cannot hold, they shatter into a million silences, because a tiny birdhas perched itself on the path in front of you, perched in the here and now, not in the there and then in which you are seeking your answers. Youreyes meet hers, and you know that everything is okay with the universe.

Questions will get answered, or not, and solutions will appear or notappear at the perfect time, because you will make yourself available to them, as you are available now to this tiny and unexpected bird.

Perhaps today is not a day for answers and unshakeable certainties, it is a day for birdsong and staying close to questions as they walk with you down familiar paths on spring mornings.

- Jeff Foster

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