Thursday 31 March 2016




–The meaning of vastu is dwelling, which is the home for god and humans. Vastu shastra is based on various energies that comes from atmosphere like solar energy from sun, cosmic energy, lunar energy, thermal energy, magnetic energy, light energy, wind energy. These energies can be balanced to enhance peace, prosperity and success. If a house is made according to these principles, the inmates enjoy all the happiness in life. If it is against vastu principals, it will be a place for all sort of problems, worries and no peace.WHY VASTU IS IMPORTANT..Vaastu considered the interplay of various forces of nature involving the five elements of earth, water, wind, fire and ether and strives to maintain equilibrium as these elements influence, guide and change the living styles of not only human beings but every living being on earth.Vastu Shastra unifies the science, art, astronomy and astrology, it can also be said as an ancient mystic science for designing and building. Vastu Shastra helps us to make our lives better and will secure from things going wrong.Vastushastra is based on various natural energies-* Solar Energy from Sun. Lunar Energy from Moon* Earth Energy* Electric Energy* Magnetic Energy* Thermal Energy* Wind Energy* Cosmic EnergyVastu can be used for every structure like room,house,temple,shop industry, town planning, tour, cities and even for earth. Vastu can be used for micro as well as for macro level.Every creature on earth starts its life with sunrise as it performs day & night. Hence there is much importance of sun in every one life. It gives ultra violet rays in morning and infra red rays in evening which one basic need to reduce / generate bio-chemical germs, N2/ Oxygen / CO2 on earth.Sun indicates light (illumination) will power, generosity, solar system, luck or fate, mobility and in body. It rules over bone, eye, heart, spinalcord, blood circulation and soul etc. Hence east direction is auspicious; it belongs to lord Indra. North is considered auspicious since magnetic lines of forced moves from North to South, thus origin of all the life.AUTHENTICITY/FACTS OF VASTUThe biggest Proof of vaastushastra can be found during the time of Ramayan and Mahabharat. Even in the cities of Mohanjodaro and Harappa the application of vaastushastra can be seen. Since the science goes far back to the times of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna there are many interesting mythological stories concerning the origin of Vaastupurush (the deity).Geographical situation of an area affects the nature thus the vastu for every place changes. We see that some countries are much advanced, developed and prosperous while others are muchbackward. For e.g.* Japan, existence of deep water in North and the East is considered most auspicious according to vastu shastra. The eastern side of Japan is widely spread and open. Thus Japan gets full benefit of the rays of the sun. This is why Japan isrich and prosperous. There is sea in Southeast and south of Japan, which is a place for Fire, this is why it suffered the attack of atom bombs explosion and earthquake.* If we take Africa as a continent, we all know the northeastern corner of this continent is interjected. Northwest portion is projected, southeast and south have unlimited water, these all conditions are inauspicious according to vastu, that’s why African countries are backward, uneducated, poor. But on the contrary, in the north of this continent, there exists MediterraneanSea, which is favorable according to vastu. In the eastern part, river Nile flows and that’s why civilization developed in Egypt and now Egypt gotname and honour for its world famous pyramids.* Why to go far, lets discuss our own INDIA, we know we have the Himalayas in the North and Northeast side of our country which is against vastu, thus there is lot of poverty in our country. There is water in Southwest and southeast side ofour nation, thus we have to face the attacks of foreign empires. One thing that makes India famous is that we have our slope towards east, which is a very favourable and auspicious sign.The location and construction of the famous Balaji Temple, the most prosperous in India, are all according to Vaastu.The most famous prosperous industrial houses have also been studied; The Tata head quarters in Mumbai, Akbarallys the most successful retail store in India.PLOT ACCORDING TO VASTU –ShapeThe best shape is square. Rectangle is also excellent provided the length is not more than 1.5 times the width. Where the plot is neither square nor rectangular, the following requirements should be ensured.1. Angle at D must be a right angle.2 .Angles at A and C should not be less than a right angle.3. Angle at B should not exceed a right angle.Where the aforesaid requirements are not obtainable, remedial measures are to be adopted.This is done by cutting off the interference and giving it away or keeping it off the corrected boundary through barbed wire fencing. The rejected area can be made a receptacle for dumping garden refuse etc. to make compost. This correction is a MUST before any construction activity is taken up.Corners – Cut or rounding off at the corners is best avoided. This is particularly baneful at the north-east.TopographyIdeally the downward slope should be from all sides to the north- east. Alternatively, the slope should be either to the north or to the east which implies that the plot would be facing the north or the east. Ensure that the slope is to be corrected, ifa fault is noticed.In plots facing the west or the south no relaxation of the direction of slopes is accepted. Instead, remedial measure is to be adopted. For instance, if the plot faces south, the direction of the slope of the entire plot should be made to the east only and, instead of a surface drain running in the south direction make vertical exit points leading into an underground drain which discharges the drainage out of the house in the south. Which means that the adverse slope underground is permitted as a compromise. In short, whatever be the direction of the face of the plot, ensure that the slopes conform to the directions as discussed earlier in respect of open areas. The purpose is to let the plot have freedom for air and light from the north and the east and restriction from the west and the south.Roads –Plot with roads on all the four sides ensures progress and prosperity. Such plots are uncommon. But then, a plot with road to the northor to the east is also excellent. The one with roadson both the north and the east is still better as it receives the maximum impact of the Eshan force.Plots facing the west or the south are not so good,but need not be rejected. These are amenable verygreatly to remedies. These remedies, basically, are in the form of ensuring the above related slopes, receptivity, location of the main door and the location of the main gate. Sometimes, we find a road ending blindly. A plot located at such an end suffers from the adverse impact of the forces generated by the traffic operating on the road. Theresidents of the homes on such plots make no progress and suffer from multiplicity of problems.Compound wallThe excavation for the compound wall should be started from the north-east and proceeded till the south-west end is reached. The erection of the wall should be done in the reverse order. The underlying idea is to ensure that weight at the north-east end is maintained always at being less than the weight at the south-west end. To serve this purpose one more care should be taken. The western and southern walls should be kept thicker and taller than those on the northern and the eastern sides. So also the walls at the east and the north may be retained at a low level topped with barbed wire or chain link fencing.GATEVastu provides the keeping of the main gate in thecompound wall as per the following directions.1.North facing plot- at E2.East facing plot – at F3.South facing plot- at G4.West facing plot – at HThe height of the doors in the gate must not exceed the height of the compound wall.External SpaceWe divide the study based on open space, outhouses, underground water storage, well, septic tank and plantation.The open spaceAdequate care must be taken to ensure that the space between the main house and the compound periphery on the northern side is distinctly more than that on the southern side. Similarly, the space on the eastern side must be maintained as more than that on the western side. This is regardless of the direction which the property faces in relation to the abutting road.

OuthousesThe corners at N-W, N-E and S-E belong to air, God and fire. Any erection therein, which restricts free movement of air along the walls, interferes with smooth operation of the natural process allotted to the respective corners. Not that a cover is entirely forbidden, the only precaution required is that a distance, say about one meter, is provided between the outhouse and the compound wall or the periphery for circulation of air in the corner . Moreover, the roof of the cover at N-E should be low, say not more than two meters. In the other two corners the height should be less than the height of the main building. Noneof these three corners may be utilized for storing lumber, scrap etc. N-W is suited best for employees and vehicles. S-E is suited equally well for employees but as a second choice for vehicles.The position at S-W is different. This belongs to the demoness. Hence, we do not allow freedom ofair in the corner. The outhouse in this corner is erected adjacent to the two walls and the height of the roof may be kept higher than that of the main building with advantage. Utilization is recommended for lumber, scrap and all such material which mostly remains static or out of use. It must not be used as a garage, else the vehicle would get neglected and develop faults conducive to stagnation and expensive maintenance. The accommodation in this corner is not to be allotted to an employee. Else, he becomes obstinate and unruly. If a tenant is put there, he assumes a firm foothold and may never agree to leave.The Plot & Topography:We continue with the study of the requirements in respect of the space lying between the periphery and the main house. We covered some details regarding utilization of the corners for outhouses.To conclude, it is necessary also that no outhousecomes into contact with the main building. There should be gap enough to permit circumvention of the main house.Other items which fall outside the main house in the compound are, underground water storage, well, fountain, septic tank & soak pit as also trees and plants. Surface drains also have to be taken into account.Underground water storage & wellThese are located only in the north-east zone but off the diagonal connecting the north-east angle with the south-west angle. A fountain or a waterfall is also very beneficial to have in the north-east zone.Septic tank and soak pitThe best place for these is the western end to the northern side of the house. The second best is the northern end on the western side of the house. There is absolutely no alternative slot for these items.Trees and plantsThe importance of receptivity to the salubrious vibrations from the east, the north-east and the east and the need for screening off the baneful effect from the directions opposite to the above, is a good guide in putting up trees and plants. For trees the south in itself is good and so is the west. But it would be better if the quantum of shade provided by the trees on one side is matched by that on other side. Except as hereinafter stated, notree should be grown in the north and the east. The one at the north-east is the worst. Residents of such homes are vulnerable to serious illness.There are some other considerations also for the choice of plants. Except rose and a few medicinal ones, all thorny plants give rise to tensions in the environment. Cactus is the worst. The sharpness of the thorny points is nature’s device of emitting negative currents.However, if the compound is large permitting enough distance while circumventing the house, a very limited number ofsuch plants may be grown in the western half of the southern periphery or the southern half of the western periphery. Priority in this space is deserved much more useful items like plantain, papaya, mango, guava, custard apple. Gulmohur,Ashok and Neem are a good choice amongst the shady ones.Amongst the beneficial plants, the best is Tulsi. If a bougainvillea or lime plant cannot be removed, its baneful effect can be drastically curtailed by keeping one or two Tulsi plants close by. Even otherwise Tulsi has an exquisite quality of neutralizing negative currents and spreading health in the environment. It is commendable to keep at least one Tulsi plant in the north-east area of the premises, but its height should not exceed 1.5 meter.Surface drainsAs already discussed, the downward slope should be either to the north or to the east. Surface drains, which in these days are provided, at best, for storm or rain water only, have to follow the same direction. This is extremely important.THE MAIN HOUSEPlacingThe main structure should occupy a place in, so to say, south-west type of setting within the overall dimensions of the entire property. The purpose is that the proportion of the surrounding open space is in accordance with the principle enunciated in the earlier article under the head OPEN SPACE. To recall, it may be stated that between the house and the periphery there shouldbe markedly more open space in the north than in the south and similarly, more in the east than in the west.

Placed thus, the plan makes an ideal beginning for the making of a real good house.ShapeA square or rectangular shape is best. Plans with cuts and curves at corners of the house are no good. Such a cut at the north-east corner of the house is positively deleterious for the well being of male progeny in the family. This is a well confirmed fact.Exigency of requirement in a complex, like a school or a hospital, may require giving its layoutshapes such as the ones represented by the alphabets L or U. It is easy to observe that these shapes bear the representation of two open arms, with an angle in L and a back in U. Facing the north or the east with the arms extending towardsthese direction is exceedingly favorable. But facing the west or the south is fraught with the highest degree of unhappiness as illustrated below. Midway cases are also best avoided.To seek further extension some planners adopt the shape of H or T. This is not proper because with the arms stretched out on two opposite directions the favourable effects get mixed up with the unfavourable ones. The shape of E, with the arms opening to the east or to the north, is easily the proper alternative. The shape of F also is suitable with the vertical bar turned as a horizontal base and the arms pointing to the north.HOME ACCORDING TO VASTU –We all care about our homes and spend time, effort and money, trying to make them more comfortable. Similarly, at the places where we work, environmental stresses contribute to overall load, preventing us to reach our full potential. Resisting these external forces becomes more important for growth and development.NorthWest- The room in this direction is suitable for guests and girls.South-West- The Chief of the house should have his room in this direction.South-East- No bedroom should be located in this direction. The children do not take interest in studies. There is no sound sleep. People have much anger. Decisions are generally taken hurriedly.Your Prayer Room- Room for prayer and meditation is recommended to be in the north-east corner of the house. Deity or image of god should not face the south direction. Ideal positions are such that you face east or west while praying.Bathroom – Bathroom should constructed in the West and South directions and the flow of its drains should be towards North-East.Toilet – Toilet should be constructed mainly towards South or West. Never build toilets in the direction of eastern corner ant the face should be towards south or West while discharging stool.Bed Room – According to vastu, the master bedrooms should be in the South-West corner of the house. If the house has more than one floor then, then it should be on the top most floor.The ceiling should be in level, this makes the energy of the room uniform, which in turn gives one a steady state of mind. Children s room should be in the north west or west side. To have a better concentration they should have a separate study close to their bedrooms.Children`s Room – The children`s room, should be constructed in the North-West corner.Drawing Room – It should be in North-West, South or west direction. The furniture should be kept in South and West directions. Open space should be maximum in North and East directions.

Dining Room – The dining room should be constructed inSouth-East. The dining room and kitchen should be on the same floor and it should be adjacent to the kitchen from the left. The entrance to the dining room and the main door should not be facing each other. The dining table should be square of rectangular in shape and should not be attached or folding against the wall.General Room -Though, it is sparingly used; yet it should be constructed in the North-West.Guest Room – It should be in North-West corner.Kitchen -The kitchen must be situated in fire angle, i.e. in South-East. The face of the cook should be towards the East. The water tap in kitchen should be in the North-East direction. It is better if the stone on which food is cooked, is of red colour.Study Room – The North-East,North-West,North,West,East corners are best for a study room. If the study room and place of worship room are adjacent then it is considered most beneficial. These directions attract the positive effects of Mercury increasing brain power, Jupiter increasing wisdom, Sun increasing ambition and Venus helps in bringing about creativity in new thoughts and ideas.Store Room- If essential then the store room should be constructed in the southern part of the building, other wise grain and other provisions can be stored in the kitchen or in other rooms and cupboards. Things should not be stored in diwans and box beds because it effects the magnetic environment of the self and the room causing sleeping disorders.Height of Rooms – According to vastu shastra, the rooms in the northern part of the house shouldbe larger than the rooms in the southern side by 6-9 inches, and lower by 1-3 inches. Height of rooms should ideally be, 12- 14 feet. Doors/Windows As far as doors are concerned, the main door should be larger than the inner doors and all doors should open towards the walls. All windows should be at least 3 feet 6 above ground level, and should be at the same level from the top. Window openings should be on the northern and eastern sides of the buildingsWaste Storage- Daily wastes from the kitchen should be kept covered in the south- west corner of the kitchen.Water-Tank- It is best to keep it in the North-West,but could be kept in West also.Doors – The doors should be in the North and East. When someone enters, the waves emerging from the doors affect his / her mind because the magnetic waves always flow around us.The Interior :“Homes” within the house: The interior signifies the space enclosed by the outer walls of the house.As named earlier these directions are northeast, east, south-east, south, south-west, west, north-west and north. We do not have the liberty of setting up kitchen, lavatory, bedroom etc. just anywhere within the precincts to suit the convenience of the so-called modern architecture..The diagram alongside illustrates the position of the slots corresponding to the eight directions. The central slot, Brahmasthala, is supposed to be kept vacant and clean to afford free movement or circulation. This is health giving also because it provides the much-needed ventilation for the surrounding areas of intensive activity.1.The north-east: aspected by Eshan, this place holds the monopoly to host all work related to worship and meditation. Additionally, it also admits reception, study and office.2.The east is suited for reception, bath (excluding WC), verandah, drawing room, unmarried son’s bed room.3.The south-east belongs to Agni (Fire). It holds the monopoly to host the kitchen which, in any other place, portends serious digestive disorders in the family and overstrain for the cook. Inside, ata safe spot or on the outer wall, it is well advised to have utilities such as electric meter, circuit breakers, inverter, generator etc.4.The south is suited for bed-room (other than Master bed), staircase.5.The southwest is suited exclusively for master bedroom.6.The west: This suits children’s bed room, study, overhead water tank.7.The northwest belongs to Vayu (air). This is the best place for a daughter to be married and for guests. It is good also as a washing area.8.The north serves best as a bedroom for a married son. It also suits a living room.Going through the eight areas equips us with the awareness of their attributes. We know, then, where these are rigid and where, accommodative.This background comes handy when we go to take up all the items- the various activities- subject wise in every detail. But before we proceed, we have a point, which needs clarification. A confusion may arise in the status of the plot itself as a result of deviation in the axis of the meridian.FEATURES OF MAIN ENTRANCE:The size of this door should be larger and appearance more impressive than those of other doors. If the shortcoming is noticed in the door, the immediate need is not to run for replacement right away. Instead, the remedy lies in giving an artful decorative treatment along the margin zonearound the main frame to make it stand out and speak for itself as most prominent. All the same, itis imperative that the magnitude of the height be maintained at 1.5 times the width of the door.

Since most of the doors these days are 6 feet x 3 feet, the size 6.5 x 3.5 feet for the main door wouldbe quite suitable.The timber deployed in the making of this door should of the best quality available, preferably Teak. Else, any other good quality timber may be used but it should be of the same type throughout and also well seasoned.The shutter in this door is to fixed ensuring that on opening it moves towards the inside of the house and not outward.As far as possible this door should be provided with dual shutters opening to 180 degrees. However, where the space is subject to limitation, single shutter may be accepted in which case, when viewed from the outside, the shutter is mounted to the left side.The main frame of the door is to be fixed ensuring that it is off the close by wall by about two feet. But where, as in modern homes, space is limited, the gap may be retained at a minimum of 5 inches.The level of the main entrance should be a little higher than the approach way. The steps leading onto it should be odd in number.The fixing of the main frame of the door must be done at an auspicious Muhurta.On auspicious and festive days the entrance is to be decorated with Haldi and Chandan paste (Turmeric and Sandalwood) paste along with “toran”, i.e., a cord knotted with mango leaves.The entrance calls for fixing a decent image above and putting the signs of swastika along thesides.A temple facing the entrance is an unfavourable feature for the house. See how the idol faces. If the idol’s eyes are trained on the main entrance ofthe house in question the adverse is substantially reduced. So also is the case where the temple is on the other side of the road and the distance to it from the house is at least 80 feet. In any case, it is preferable to screen off the view with the help of a sufficiently raised compound wall as also by planting approved shady shrubs (or even trees if the direction is west or south) to bar the unfavourable feature.Selection of a Building siteThe Vastu Shastras address the energy containedin the Earth as “Vastu Purusha” where “Purusha” means the subtle energy that permeates the Earth and “Vastu” is the material body of the Earth that evolved out of that energy. In abstraction “Purusha” is but a subtle substance “Vastu” or essence of the subtle universe which, in other words, means “universal consciousness”.Earth is a conscious living being suspended in space and existing as an extension of the universal being. Earth is evoked and poojas are offered to it before excavation for construction. This is called “Vastu Shanti” or the “appeasement” of Earth. A prayer is made to the Earth before starting the earthwork:“O Mother Earth! May you fill the plot with your energy and make it fertile. May you bless us with wealth and prosperity. I bow to thee!”All animate objects including human beings are tied to the Earth, with no scope for escape, and therefore, they should try to live in harmony with its subtle and physical qualities. This is an emotional integration that the Vastu science establishes between man and Earth and finally between man and the built space. The built space is created by man in accordance with a formula by which the Universal Being has created the material objects of nature.SITEA site where water is found at the depth of a “man’s height with upraised arms” is know as “Purushanjali matra” and is said to be good for human habitation. Water flow underneath the land should be in a clock-wise direction, along with the motion of the Earth. A way to test for this is to dig a pit three feet deep, fill it with water, throw flowers on the surface and watch whether they move in a clockwise direction.While defining the physical characteristicsof a good soil and site one of the Vastu texts says:“The soil of the habitable ground should be soft and close grained (hard and well consolidated) and be overgrown with fragrant flowers, creepers and shrubs. Further it should be of good odor, spacious in extent and of even level. Also with sub-soil water flowing in clockwise direction. ”The evenness of grains and compactness of the soil are tested by digging a pit of 3 hastas (8′-3″ x 8′-3″ x 8′-3″) and refilling the pit with the excavated soil. The soil is good if a part of the earth remains after refill, bad if there is insufficient soil to refill the pit and fair if no earth is left over after refilling.The fertility of the soil is verified though a test because it is a reflection of the fertility and prosperity available to human life inhabiting the land. This is ascertained by sowing seeds on the site and observing the duration of germination, ranging form three to seven days.There is a very sensitive test for ascertaining the quality of the ambience prevailing in the particular area to be taken over for residential purposes. For this test, a certain number of cows and calves along with bulls are left free on the site, over grown with seedlings and saplings, to graze. The purpose is to ascertain the sensitivity of the soil conducive to procreational tendencies of human beings. If the bulls raise affectionate and alluring sounds and run towards the cows to mate with them, this is good. This is considered to be a very good sign. It foretells affectionate andintimate relationship between master and mistress of the house to be built on that site. The spiritual ambience that prevails in the area accounts for such behavioral overtones.Vastu designers adopt a practical way of identifying the quality of the building site from thevery sight of the vegetation that grows there. If theleaves are thick, green and of dense growth, the soil is considered to be the best one for human habitation. Such a feature ensures the presence of water underneath and on that account the fertility of the soil is recognized.Living near big factories that pollute the air is objected to by the Shastras. Even the factories of the shilpis were kept away from the towns or cities in the olden days. Also, temple complexes are recommended to be located in far flung areas such as mountain tops, forests, riverbanks or seashores.Marshy lands, slushy sites, clayey soils are disallowed by the Shastras.No improvement of defective soil or site is recommended in the shastras.Lands containing skulls of animals and human beings, broken stones, tiles, scraps of iron, nails spikes, hair, husks, charred wood or charcoal, white ants (termites?), serpents, rats and frogs are stoutly objected to. They are considered to be cancerous. This aspect of keeping the earth free from impurities is covered very elaborately by Vastu sciences under the title “Bhugarbha”. The concept in this context is that the life-long association with bad earth is harmful to physical and spiritual well being.The natural lie of the ground is also to be studied. This aspect is known as “declivity of the ground” or “plavanam”. In general, the ground with its southern and western parts raised and inclined respectively towards north and east is recommended. This ensures the flow of underground water in the clockwise direction throughout the year. This trait is noticeable in the temple buildings with the water chute directed either to the north or to the east. Wells should onlybe in the Northeast quarter or corner of the site. The energy starts moving from this point of northeast of an enclosed space. It is common thatevery building, village or town should be enclosed by a compound wall to be vibrant. The walls form the cup that contains the energy. Everyplot of land that is demarcated into a habitable Vastu moves clockwise with its axis situated at the center of the built space.

This axis, though invisible to the physical eyes does exist, just as there also runs a thread of consciousness in the human body from the center of the skull, down below and between the legs, which is called Brahma Sutra. This thread of consciousness is also established very consciously in a house builtaccording to Vastu principles. This thread or plumb of consciousness introduced in a built space ensures not only stability, but also mobility(growth) of the energy enclosed and it is expended to the dwellers to experience harmony and develop physically and spiritually.Slope of land:West elevated – sloping towards the east: promotes material growth and prosperity.South elevated – sloping to north: brings in wealthEast elevated – sloping towards west: loss of wealthNorth elevated – sloping towards south: loss of inhabitantsNortheast elevated – sloping towards southwest is bad.Southeast elevated – sloping towards northwest is good.Northwest elevated – sloping towards southeast is bad.Southwest elevated – sloping towards northeast is good.South east and east elevated – west and northwest are low-lying is good for human beingsSouth and Southeast elevated – north and northwest low lying brings name and fame in all activities.Southwest and south elevated – north and northeast low-lying, the family of the indweller will multiply and be long lived. Added to this sucha plot is blessed with long life.West and southwest elevated – northeast and east low-lying brings welfare and comfort to the occupant.West and northwest high – east and southeast low, is said to create commotion and enmity.North and northwest high – south and southeast low creates disease.North and northeast high – low from south to southwest leads to annihilation.East to northeast elevated – west to southwest low-lying causes decay of family.There is a sloka in a text called Vastu Vidya, which can be memorized by practitioners:The plot with itsSouth east high — brings in wealthSoutheast low — loss of wealthSouth high — free from illnessSouth west high — brings in wealthWest high — blessed with progenyNorth west high — loss of propertyNorth high — generates diseaseNorth east high — excessive griefEast side high — death of childrenThere is also an indication of high or low ground with respect to profession. For individuals involved in physical labor–declivityon the west, commercial activities — declivity on the South, political leaders and rulers — declivity on the East, intellectuals and professionals — declivity on the North.The sound of the ground, when tapped with an instrument (a spade or pickaxe) should be that of a horse, elephant, bamboo, veena (stringed instrument), sea or dundubi (percussion instrument).Theland should have the odor of lotus or padiri flowers or grains or cows.Land possessing the colors white, red, yellow, black or gray, tastes such as bitter, acrid, astringent, saline, sour or sweet, such a site brings in wealth and prosperity.Landpossessing the smell of curd, ghee, honey, oil, blood, corpse, fish or birds are rejected due to negative effects on the health.Places with heavy and giant trees should not be selected.Water should be reached at a depth of 7′-6″.The location of the building should not be close to public institutions or monasteries, temples or palaces.Sites where thorny trees grow should be avoided. Graveyards should be avoided.Shapes of the building site to be avoided are circular, triangular, polygonal with irregular sides, serpentine, curved like the back of a tortoise, ground with rise in the center, shapes of bird, fish, drum, willow, conch, chameleon, lizard,monkey, pig, python, chisel, pickaxe or cat.Location of a building at a place not easily accessible or at the junction of 2, 3 or 4 roads, or opposite to a road (perpendicular)should be avoided.1. Barren Land with no sign of greenery.2. Land on which shadow of temple, towers, temple walls, temple flag post fall.3. Avoid buying a land with too much wet soil or water seeping from ground.4. Avoid buying a land near bridges and large buildings.5. A plot which is narrower in the west or in south,in comparison to the north and east portion, is notgood.6. Land with many cracks in the soil/ground is not good for living.7. Presence of bones and coal in the land is not good.8. Land which previously, in any time, belonged to any temple or charitable trust etc.9. A plot which is very much raised in comparison to it’s surroundings.Cleaning of LandThe plot should be cleaned before any furnither work is done on the land. Any type of pits, stones, throny bushes etc must be removeed while cleaning the land. If there is a gun arabic tree(babool) in theland, it should be uprooted first. Levelling of Land South-West of the plot should be gently raised in comparison to the north-east side of the plot. If the land contains any well or other depressions, they should be filled up and leveled. Well in East, North or North-East A well or temporary sump should be dug in the east, north or north east and only water from this sump/well should be used for cunstruction and water from any other souurce must not be used for construction.Raw MaterialRaw material to be used for construction like cement, bricks etc. should be kept in the south, west or south-west of the plot, and never in the north east.Construction The construction of the house must be started within 90 days from the day of coomplition of the boundry wall. Bhumi PujanIts is extremely necessary to worship the land before starting the construction. The prayer should be done in the north-corner of the plot by alearned Pandit.The first digging must be done by the owner or the architect on a aspitious time as set by a learned astrologer. The aspisius munths for starting work are:* March – April* April – May* July – August* October – November* January – FebruaryAnd the best days for starting the work are:* Wednesday* Thursday* FridayExcavationExcavation for the main house or any other portion including the boundry wall should only started from the north-east direction of the house, and it should progress from north to west ot east to south. An when these excavations are to be filled i.e while laying foundation, while starting the construction, they must be filled from south to east and from west to north.Temporay ShedA temporary shed, if needed to be constructed, for a watchman or for storage purposes, should be counstructed in the south-west of the plot. And the door of the shed should be in the north-east. The construction of this shed in accordance with Vastu prevents thefts and helps in smooth flow of the constructon work. After the completion of the work/construction of the builing this shed must be demolished; and should not be used for furtherstorage/living etc.Vastu Interiors and ColorsPlanetary ColorsAstrological texts like Brihat Jataka, Jataka Parijata and others have assigned certain colors and directions to the planets as follow:Different shades and hues of these colors can be used for the interiors and exteriors on the basis of the Janma Rasis or Moon-signs of the house owners. For instance, let us take the owner’s Janma Rasi as Mithuna (Gemini) and the spouse’s Janma Rasi as Meena (Pisces). The respective lords are Mercury and Jupiter. Green for the exteriors and yellow for the interiors in their varied hues, can be used to make the house look beautiful and compatible to you astrologically.Directional ColorsColors can also be used based on directions. For instance, North-west rooms can be white, North rooms can be in light hues of green, West rooms can be greys, South-east rooms can be varied colors, North-east rooms can be in shades and tones of yellow like cream etc. and South rooms can be in shades and hues of red.Colors can be used in a variety of ways.

We can paint our walls with a range of colors. We can wear clothes with colors of our preference; we can drink solarised water in colored glasses. We can use curtains, carpets and furniture with different colors of our liking.Study rooms can be green, kitchen and dining rooms can be orange, mediation and prayer rooms can be white, living and discussion rooms can be cream and hues of yellow, and bedrooms can be blue. Parents may, perhaps, find rooms colored blue ideal for their children who tend to be aggressive.Color TherapyProperly used colors play an important role in health and can contribute to stable mental and physical health and alleviate human suffering.Exposing the body to colored light is also said to act as a support in healing. Color therapy texts tell us that green light can alleviate heart problems and cancer, blue can treat painful ulcers, inflammatory disorders and back problems. Red is good for skin problems, bladder infections and anaemia while orange works on allergies and constipation. Yellow light alleviatesmuscle cramps and gallstones. Orange is said to stimulate the nervous system and increase your appetite.Shades and hues of red can be used when a person is suffering from blood ailments, anaemia,bodily weakness, colds, circulatory deficiencies, paralysis, baldness etc. Red also stimulates brainwave activity, increases heart rate, respiration and blood pressure, and can also assist in burning fat and reducing weight. Pink, which can be considered as a hue of red, is an appetite suppressant, relaxes muscles, relieves tension and soothes and calms frayed tempers! Orange energizes stimulates desire for food and digestivesystem and is good for chronic asthma, phlegmatic fevers, inflammation of kidneys, epilepsy, cholera etc. Shades and hues of blue can be used for throat troubles, laryngitis, goitre, typhoid and other fevers, jaundice, sore throat, small pox and related ailments, hysteria, insomnia or sleeplessness, lowering blood pressure, itches, painful menstruation, underweight problems etc.Green is good for alleviating problems related to heart, ulcers, headaches, flu, blood pressure, is soothing, relaxing mentally as well as physically, helps those suffering from depression, anxiety, nervousness etc. Yellow can alleviate stomach problems, digestive disorders, constipation, stress and nervous disorders, energizes, relieves depression, improves memory, stimulates appetite etc. Indigo (dark blue) is recommended for eye troubles, facial paralysis, lung disorders, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, ear and nose complaints, deafness, infantile convulsions etc. Violet and its hues are good for ailments related to mind, diseases of the scalp, rheumatic and similar pains, kidney and bladder weaknesses, suppresses appetite, provides a peaceful environment, good for migraines etc.Colors have the strength to either depress or exhilarate and play a very important role in healthand happiness. Interfacing the above colorful suggestions with certain basic Vastu guidelines as below will enhance the quality of your life.1.Orient your furniture to the cardinal directions such that you face East or North.2 Keep the Northeast of all your rooms dirt-free.3.Pedestal fans can be in Southeast sectors so that they blow towards Northwest.4.Trash, litter and garbage can find their places inthe Northwest of the site, building or rooms.5.Avoid placing your desks facing a doorway. Avoid also sitting with your backs directed to a door opening.6.Place your mirrors on East or North walls.7.Select the color of your carpets as recommended above.8.Your aquariums, water fountains and drinking water containers can be placed in the Northeast areas of your site, building or rooms.9.Northeast rooms painted white or shweta are ideal for elders, patients and pregnant ladies.10.Elders can sleep with their heads to the South and young students can sleep with their heads to the East.11.Light indoor plants are ideal in the North, East and Northeast. Heavy plants in the West, South and Southwest are excellent. Rose, cactus and thorny plants find a compatible place in the Southeast.12.Electrical and electronic gadgets will find theirplacement in the Southeast of the rooms in order.13.Never ever sleep or sit under beams. If necessary, conceal the beams with artificial ceilings.

Arrangement of FurnitureSofa sets can be against the south and west walls(and if need against east walls), not touching them. The area between the sets relating to the southwest (strength corner) can have waist level landscaping done with heavy indoor plants and small rocks and stones. This high rise area can even have a small idol of Lord Ganesha on the west wall. Furniture arrangement, however should give allowance for free movement from the living room into other rooms. Avoid their cluttering. The area between the sets that relate tosoutheast (energy) can have a floor level (or a table mounted) podium lamp that draws attentionto your living room with a nice red or orange light.Water fountain and fish aquarium –The primary element water is ideal in the central north of the living room. This can be in the form ofa small water fountain that runs throughout the day. They can be sheet fountains; they can be winding fountains (to the east) and they can be sprouting fountains (in all directions). Fountains that are made of natural materials like copper, stone, glass, clay, stainless steel, bamboo, etc., are recommended and can be wall, floor or tabletop mounted. The soft and soothing sounds of the water can assist in better interaction with family and guests. As an option, you can have a small fish aquarium with seven fishes of one family (red and gold) and two fishes of a different family (black) in the central north of the living room.Protruding and sharp cornersLet not the furniture face protruding and sharp corners of columns or pillars. Such protrusions and sharp corners imbalance the primary elements. To minimize the imbalance, they can beaesthetically camouflaged with indoor plants. Avoid camouflaging with thorny plants. Such corners or edges can be softened with cascading, crawling, or tree-like plants. This will serve to diffuse the depressing energies. Mirroring columns from ground to ceiling level will also help in the diffusion.Paintings and PicturesThe north wall of the living room can have paintings/pictures of long distance waters to stimulate the positive aspect of the primary element water. The east wall can have a painting or picture of the rising sun — the beginning of the dawn of a day. The south and west walls can have innovative paintings of a gentle elephant herd, high rise mountains with heavy plant life and similar pictures or paintings that denote strength. The use of paintings and pictures can create an active ambiance and respite. Paintings such as waterfalls on the north wall provide positive energy. As a rule, avoid paintings that depict death, violence and negative aspects of life.Electrical and Electronic GadgetsIf a television/audio visual set is required in the living room, it can be placed such that it is viewedfacing the east or north. The power can be drawn from sockets placed in the east of southeast (poorva agneya) of the living room. Other deviceslike air conditioners, air coolers, audio systems, etc., can also be placed with power being drawn from the east of southeast. Fire places can be the southeast or northwest corners of the living room but never to the northeast and southwest corners. Pedestal fans if used, can draw power from the poorva agneya.Focusing it into the northwest of the living room will keep the primary element air (vayu) balanced. Wind chimes in the northwest sector also aid in the balance. Ventilators above the windows keep the hot air away and aid in makingthe living room a stress free zone. Chandeliers and ceiling fans can be avoided in the exact center of the living roomDomestic AnimalsAvoid having the pets in the living room or any of the interiors of the house. A kennel outside the home, not touching it, is suggested, as a first option. However, if they have to be kept within the home you can have them in the northwest and southeast rooms/kennels.Mirrors should only be fixed on the north and eastwalls. No mirrors should be place/installed in study rooms and opposite to beds in the bedrooms.Home Appliances:Heating appliances must be placed in the southeast of the room. Fridge should be placed inthe northwest portion of the room. Television sets should never be placed in the southeast of the rooms.Paint Colours:The kind of paint colours used in the house greatly effects the mood and general nature of the inmates. The psychology of the man can be disturbed is wrong type of colours are used. In entrance of the house, avoid red, black and gray colours, while using white, light blue and dark green colours are good.Plants Within The House:According to Vastu, cactus or related plants should never be kept in the house. Plants with redflowers and bonsai of the trees are not allowed in the house. Avoid plants in the northeast corner of the house. Avoid pots along the north and east walls of the house.Paintings and Statues:Vastu doesn’t allow to use northeast corner of thehouse to hang paintings or any other thing, so as to keep the northeast clean and light. Paintings with scary marks and evil things should be avoided. Paintings depicting scenes of Ramayana and Mahabharata should be avoided; however, Vastu allows the use of other puranic paintings. Paintings of nude should be avoided. Paintings showing violence and abstract paintings with clashing colours should be avoided. Avoid keeping statues of gods in bedrooms. Vastu suggest paintings of nature scenes, prayer, and temples for good health and better living.

Avoid keeping heavy statues in the northeast corner of the room. Never keep any stuffed animals in the house.Fountains and Fish Tanks: Never keep fountains and fish tanks in bedroom and study.Prayer Room: Room for prayer and meditation is recommended to be in the north-east corner of thehouse. Deity or image of god should not face the south direction. Ideal positions are such that you face east or west while praying.Bed Room: The master bedrooms should be in theSouth West corner of the house. If the house has more than one floor then, then it should be on the top most floor. The ceiling should be in level, this makes the energy of the room uniform, which in turn gives one a steady state of mind. Children’s room should be in the north west or west side. To have a better concentration they should have a separate study close to their bedrooms.Kitchen: The ideal place is south east corner of the building or a kitchen in the west of the building can also be tolerated.Study Room: The best locations for this room are the north, west, north west, east, north east. Thesedirections attract the positive effects of Mercury increasing brain power, Jupiter increasing wisdom, Sun increasing ambition and Venus helps in bringing about creativity in new thoughtsand ideas.Dining room: The dining room and kitchen shouldbe on the same floor and it should be adjacent to the kitchen from the left. The entrance to the dining room and the main door should not be facing each other. The dining table should be square of rectangular in shape and should not be attached or folding against the wall.Bathrooms: Bathrooms and toilets should be adjacent to the north- east corner. They should never be constructed in the center or in the south -west corner of the house.Drawing Room: It should always be constructed towards the north. The rooms located in the northern part of the house should be bigger in size as that compared to the rooms

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