Monday 7 March 2016

Sri Sukta - the Vedic mantras to attain prosperity

Sri Sukta - the Vedic mantras to attain prosperity

Sri Sukta, is a Rigvedic devotional hymn eulogizing Sri or Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, prosperity and fertility. It is recited with a strict Vedic accent to invoke the Goddess' blessings. It describes Sri to glorious, ornamented, royal, lustrous as gold, and radiant as fire, moon and sun. She is addressed as the bestower of fame, bounty and abundance in the form of Gold, cattle, horses and food and entreated to banish her sister Alakshmi (misfortune) who is associated with need, hunger, thirst and poverty. The hymn also associated Sri with fertility. Sri Sukta was the motifs of louts (padma) and elephant, the symbols that are conventionally related to Sri Lakshmi.

The lotus is the symbol of purity, beauty, spiritual power, life, fertility, growth and in Tantra, the entire created universe. It is a recurring motif in Hindu, Buddhist and Jain literature and a lotus growing from Lord Vishnu's navel is said to mark the beginning of a new cosmic creation. The elephants are symbolic of royalty and cloud and rain.The Universe is conceived and born of sound. Light is nothing but a sound of particular frequency;y. All that we see in the world in solid, liquid or gaseous state has emanated from sound. Even our mind is crystal of sound. Nama is sound from which rupa has come. In brief Sri Sukta is a Sidda Mantra and is a radiant mass of energy.

By proper Sadhana, the jiva can raise itself to a divine status. But to attain this, it is very vital that the meaning of the Mantras are correctlyunderstood, intoned and also remembered at the time of recitation.The translation of Sri SuktaBring for me, O Fire-God, the Goddess Lakshmi, who is golden colored, yellow in hue, Who wears gold and silver garlands, who shines like the Moon and who is the golden treasure. O Agni, bring for me that unswerving Lakshmi by whose grace I could get the wealth of gold, cows, horses and entourage.I invoke Lakshmi, who is in the middle of a chariot driven forward by horses, who is awaked by the sound of elephants. May that divine Lakshmi grace me. I invoke Her who is the personificationof Bliss:Who is ever smiling, Who is in the golden fort, Who is full of mercy, whose lustre is like that of burnished gold, who is blazing and grandeur, who is contended; who satisfies the desires of Her devotes; who is seatedon the lotus and who is lotus colored.I take refuge in Hr who is pleasing like the Moon, who is richly lustrous, who is glowing with fame who is prosperity in the world, who is adorned by the gods, who is generous, who is endowed with lotus. May my misfortunes perish by Her grace. Oh, Goddess who blazes like Sun, by your great penance, was born the Bilva tree-the king of forests. And let its fruits the fruit of penance remove the veil of ignorance inside, and bad luck outside.

Oh, Goddess, the god of Wealth of Kubera, who is the friend of devas should approach me with gems. For, I am born in this country blessed with your grace. Be pleased to give me fame and prosperity. May I eliminate Jeysta who causes hunger and thirst and who is inauspicious. Please remove from my abode all misfortune and poverty by grace.I invoke that Sri Lakshmi who enters through aroma, who is beyond anybody's threat who is ever prosperous, who is action oriented and who is the supreme goddess of all beings. I request you Goddess Sridevi to bless me forever granting the aspirations of the mind, the bring happiness in life, truth in my words, the wealth of cattle, beauty.Oh, sage Kardama, you were the progenitor of Goddess Sridevi. So, be pleased o be with me. Permit Mother Lakshmi adorning lotus garland tolive forever in my family and bless us all with Her grace. May the holy waters, produce harmony and fellowship in my house. Oh, Sage Chkleeha, the son of Sridevi, come and live in my family.

Allow the goddess of prosperity, the divine mother to live in my family forever.Oh, Fire God, bring me that Goddess Lakshmi, who is deeply merciful, who lives on a lotus who nourishes the world, who is of golden colour who wears the golden garland, who shines like the Sun who is brilliant like gold. Oh, Fire God bring for me, the Goddess Lakshmi who is deeply merciful, who holds the Royal Stick, who has a Yellow hue, who wears lotus garland, who shineslike the Moon and who is pure like gold o come and be with me. O Agni, bring for me that unswerving Lakshmi, by whose grace I would get wealth of gold, cows, horses and entourage.

Lakshmi GayatriOm mahadevyai chavidmahe visnupati cha dhimahi,tanno Lakshmi Prachodayat

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