Sunday 13 March 2016



In the seventies my ship was at Lisbon and I ran ashore to watch the super hit movie ,starring John Travolta SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER. The movie had a low budget . Everybody was wondering why the movie became a top grosser.Well here is the reason .It was about a single word “ conscience “— which John Travolta showed he had, when he gave his first prize in dancing – on a tilted towards him , dancing field -- away , to the true best dancer. Emotionally it struck a chord world wide.Same way hardly anybody knows how Shweta Tiwari won the prize for Big Boss 4 –the Indian version of American TV reality show “ big brother “—which had the likes of Pamela Anderson and WWF wrestler the great Khali .

The entire country was impressed with the way Shweta calmed down a “ devil possessed and hysterical “ Dolly Bindra— the quintessential battle axe shrew. She used a Mantra to calm herself from hyper ventilating and to cure Dolly.The whole world has heard about Mantras. Every body has their own take on it.Hardly anybody understands what it is.This is what a Mantra is—read it , understand it, and benefit from it.A mantra is a word or a series of words , which produce longitudinal Scalar waves by resonatingyour Pineal gland and your DNA—in a divine language.Now what is a divine language?A divine language came out from a 12 strand DNA – the most complicated supercomputer on this planet. Since the past 5000 years ( since 3000 BC ) there have been no human beings on this planet with 12 strand DNA.All of you have junk DNA -- which 96% of the total.Sanskrit is a language given to the Vedic rishis byLord Shiva . In the internet I find Indians writing that Shiva is an Aghori. To these mislead by the west people I must say, that the King Cobra snakeon Shiva’s shoulders indicated released Kundalini, which assures you of 12 strand DNA. Shiva's trident represents Yin-Yang and the dynamic midpoint of duality.Let me go no further on Aghoris —Mantras have to be in a divine language compulsorily. So very few languages can qualify for this . Sanskrit is a divine language.A language for mantras must be/have—

1) More than 5000 years old2) Accurate expression3) Clear speech and perfect pronunciation4) No changes since it was first made5) Must have a meaning built into every word andhence must have immense vocabulary.6) Must have precise golden ratio sound harmonics ( Fibonacci/ Sri Yantra )7) Mathematical and geometrical precision8) Phonetic—directlink between sound and signs9) Script must be based on the spoken form10) Cannot have spellings like English11) Cannot have silent alphabets12) Words must unfold from seed forms13) Natural continuity is word making14) Natural continuity in sentence making15) Sound must have vibration16) Sounds must have resonance— (this is just the tip of the iceberg )17) Alphabets must form in cymatics when uttered18) Must not have proper nouns19) Must be polite with no bad words in the un- abridged dictionary20) Mantras in this language must be approved by a gifted seer and the effect felt on his chakrasOnly Sanskrit and a dead Himalayan Tibetian language qualifies for all above.Sanskrit was the language of the worlds first civilization on the banks of the river Saraswati, which flourished from 9000 BC to 4000 BC. This river dried up in 4000 BC when the glacial source was blocked by a tectonic shift , making it rain dependant , and the Yamuna changed course to empty into the Ganges ( which started the Indus Valley civilization for which Ganges was the holy river ).The Rig Veda written in 5000 BC does not talk about Ganges, except once — it talks about river Saraswati only. This Vedic civilization whose symbol was the Swastika ( Nazi symbol ) dealt with Quantum physics, Yoga , Mathematics, Science and Astronomy.The Vedic exodus of Indian Aryans , outwards ( not inwards --as per Max Mueller propaganda onorders of Vatican ) happened in 4000 BC which took people to Mesopotamia, Europe and Russia. This is why elements of Sanskrit is observed in European languages.There has been NO changes to Panini’s grammar book of Sanskrit, unlike the Oxford English—where in the ridiculous spelling bee contest the children are forced to ask – language of origin please, definition please, include it a sentence please, can you repeat the word please ( due to silent letters )—blah blah—Mantras originated in Vedic times , which means it is definitely before 4000 BC. The king Mantra OM or AUM is 11000 years old—and was told by the sages that it was the original sound when the Cosmos was created. OM opens up quantum tunneling for the wormholes to happen , where the speed of light is NOT the limiting factor.OM on a cymatics tonoscope gives the Sri Yantra which gave the magical number of 108 to rosaries. 54 Sanskrit alphabets on a Satva Tamas ( Yin Yang ) gives 108.

Dimitri Mendeleeyev based his periodic table on the Sanskrit alphabetsNow let me get back to Mantras—MANTRAS ARE THE TRIGGER FOR QUANTUM TUNNELING AND WORMHOLES WHERE THE SPEED OF LIGHT IS EXCEEDED SEVERAL TIMES OVER. DNA is a superconductor that stores light at body temperature, and can create magnetic wormholes in ZPF .. Microtubules and axional membranes are also hollow cylinders.---Mantras are Scalar energy based sounds which resonate in the Zero Point Field Aakashik hyperspace.---Mantras resonate your pineal gland . Pineal glands of Vedic seers were the size of a lemon. Ours in this 21st century is the size of dried raisin.---Mantras reprogramme your DNA. The human DNA can produce longitudinal scalar waves---Mantra is a carrier wave with potent information within it.---Mantras vibrations on DNA , chakras and pineal gland purifies and raises human consciousness---Mantras have immediate soothing effect makes the brain produce and release magic healing chemicals. Errant and disturbing thought are killed! ( what happened on Big Boss 4 )---Mantras must begin and end with OM or AUM – the bible uses a lifted version Amen. OM resonates with the earths heartbeat of 7.83 hertz. NASA kept 7.83 hertz generators on their Apollo space crafts.---Mantras cleanse the environment and can reduce crime in a city—if chanted by sufficient numbers , the right way, and right number of times. Some call this transcendental.It is about quantum consciousness.---Mantras increase Prana or life force, sharpens intellect and boosts metabolism.---Mantras can reduce the surface tension of water. Sages kept Saraswati and Ganges water incopper lotas with them---Mantras centres your mind ( effect on subconscious ) and slows down your breathing .---Mantras increase your Auras as seen by Kirlean photography—dueto the effect on symphathetic and para sympathetic nervous systems.---Mantra chanting must be done with intent, to make it more powerful. This is about consciousness again.People under estimate sound of music so much. Longitudinal sound wave is everything!! Waves , particles are all sound of music. Your powerful king sense of hearing can distinguish more than 300000 tones and 1300 pitches. Next time you hear a sound of a person , even on the phone , visualize who it could be.Matter is created from vibrations.A potent Vedic Gayantri Mantra created by Sage Vishwamitra , who wrote Mandale 3 of the Rig Veda in 5100 BC isOmBhur Bhuva SvahaTat Savitur VarenyamBhargo Devasya DheemahiDhiyo yonah Prachodayat(OM) OM (Dheemahi) We meditate (Bhargo) uponthe Spiritual Effulgence (Varenyam Devasya) of THAT Adorable Supreme Divine Reality (Savitur) the Source (Bhur, Bhuva, Svaha) of the Physical, the Astral and the Heavenly Spheres of Existence. (TAT) May THAT Supreme Divine Being (Prachodayat) enlighten (Yo) which (Nah) our (Dhi Yo) intellect (so that we may realise the Supreme Truth).This mantra takes 15 minutes to recite 108 times .You can see this video if you use Google search for correct pronunciation and harmonics . This can be uttered by anybody, of any age, man or woman ( even if pregnant ) , of any caste of creed, at any time. The Brahmins tried to monopolise this potent mantra by giving bull. This mantra opens up wormholes in the ZPF ( quantum physics ). Brain microtubules and axionic membranes are wormholes.BBB) OM MANI PADME HUM—check this out on Google. This Mantra is Buddhist. Lord Buddha was an Indian.CCC) 7000 year old Shiva’s Maha Mrityunjay Mantra, from Rig Veda.It means -- We Meditate on the Three-eyed reality which nourishes and increases the sweet fullnessof life. Like a cucumber from its stem may we be separated ("liberated"), not from immortality but from death.tryambakaṃ yajāmahe sugandhiṃ puṣṭi-vardhanamurvārukam iva bandhanān mṛtyor mukṣīya māmṛtāTryambakam = the three-eyed oneYajamahe = We worship, adore, honor, revereSugandhim = sweet smelling, fragrantPushti = A well-nourished condition, thriving, prosperous, fullness of lifeVardhanam = One who nourishes, strengthens, causes to increase (in health, wealth, well-being);who gladdens, exhilarates, and restores health; a good gardenerUrvarukam = squirting cucumberIva = like, just asBandhanan = stem (of the gourd);(ablative case"from the stem"- the ending is actually long a then-d which changes to n/anusvara through sandhi)Mrityor = From deathMukshiya = Free us, liberate usMa = notAmritat = Immortality, emancipationLook in Google search for the Nina Hagen video version, which impressed me . She is a German Jewish singer with good voice vibrations. Matrras must not be chanted in Rosogolla sweet voice.

Ensure you are alone in a dark silent room!. Hook your computer on to a stereo with woofer bass.Opposing forces Tamas and Rajas are connected through consciousness ( yin-yang ). The middle prong of Shiva’s trident is Sattwa. It is about quantum possibility vortex vibrations, between two poles, we call the cosmic dance of Shiva fromeither side of the Quantum screen... Together theyexpress the great void at absolute peace with itself. To activate the third eye of Shiva, or to perceive higher dimensions, the pineal gland ( soul ) and the pituitary glands ( body ) must vibrate in resonance to create a field. This is represented by Samudra manthan in Hindu mythology, where mount meru is used to churn the oceans for Amrit or Ambrosia in a to and fro movement , representing vibrations.. The amrit of the ambrosia or Soma is the holy grail. This is what the Templar knights got after excavating King Solomon's temple. Soma is a divine LSD-- rather a million times more powerful DMT. A 12 strand Maharishi with NIL junk DNA can produce it naturally, by resonating his pineal gland with his DNA, and achieve telepathy and psychic teleportation. The psychedelic journeys are accessed and experienced within the realms of the pineal gland. The pineal gland is the Shiva lingam. Serotonin has the same chemical structure as this hallucinogenic substance Soma.Serotonin is transformed into melatonin only in the pineal gland. Decline in melatonin is the trigger for the aging process, for Melatonin is the super-oxidant of nature. The hormone Melatonin, induces sleep, while Serotonin, keeps you happy and in a balanced mental state of mind. PROZAC raises serotonin. The pineal gland produces Pinoline, ( 6-methoxy-tetra-dydro-beta carboline, or 6-MeO-THBC ) . Pinoline also resonates with the very pulse of life 7.83 Hertz, the pulse the DNA uses to replicate, and which has been measured to be emitted from the brains and hands of all successful healers, regardless ofbelief or faith. OM king mantra is 7.843 hertz. Resonance can vibrate the pineal gland, to release Nuerotransmitter seratonin, melatonin, DMT, etc. If you have a strong enough sense of consciousness you will taste a huge pituitary release in the back of your mouth and sinuses and throat, it is referred to as ambrosia ( amrit -- mental orgasm discharge ) . This is a result of DMT production . DMT is the spirit molecule that bends space-time. Pineal DMT is the chemical messenger which links body and spirit. Dimethyltryptamine, a psychedelic tryptamine Pinoline enables the threshold levels of DMT to become active in the brain, but it requires an instant bungee jump induced adrenaline burst. DMT with Pinoline increases brain activation multi fold. You cant observe the quantum world without your Pineal gland -- the other 5 senses have too narrow bandwidths. Quantum physics has showed the ancient Indian Yogis were NOT mere dreamers of cosmic consciousness, where our bodies, our brain and its mind, as inextricablyjoined with other matter and the mega dipole of universe .

There is indeed a connection between consciousness and tangled state quantum phenomena Indian Vedic maharishis had the inherent ability to go on either side of the narrow band of five human senses. THEY COULD TRANSCEND THE SENSES AND LIMITATION OF SPACE-TIME. They firmly believed that the invisible below the quantum screen gives rise to the visible. At the time of death Seratonin and Melatonin in the brain breaks down to Dimethyltryptamine or DMT, C12 N2 H16, just after the oxygen stops circulating. This is the moment for the ultimate DMT trip. You see your whole past life as FRACTAL dvine geometry. When you consume Soma, colours , sounds and numbers all show up as fractal geometry. What you have learnt in the past is of no use to you. As you breathe in the oxygen enters your brain and causes an explosion of fractal colours. To the spiritual eastern mind, the story of SAMUDRA MANTHAN produces amazing acts of faith like the Kumbh Mela , which has been going on for 6000 years. Tamas and Rajas are conscious of each other. Amrit reveals the fractal nature of consciousness. Amrit is NOT external, it is produced inside your head. All you need to know is how to produce it by your own mind. 12 strand DNA which ancient Maharishis had, has now degraded to 2 strand DNA. These 12 strand DNA maharishis with raised Kundalinis , can read akashik records , convert them from fractal geometry, for daily life use. The cobra on Lord Shiva 's shoulders shows raised Kundalini and open third eye. This self realisation (of opening the third eye) , is the ultimate goal of consciousness. The timeless spiritual wisdom of the of the 7000 year old Vedas will roar to life after Dec 21st 2012- the veil of Maya or delusion over the third eye will be ripped asunder—as the first step towards upgrading the 2 strand 97% junk DNA to 12 strand nil junk DNA..

by Capt Ajit Vadakayil.

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