Monday 22 February 2016

Time to Move On

Time to Move On' is the full title and message of the card on the right. Today I pulled two cards for you, and they both echoed the same guidance.When this happens, it's an emphasis on the message. Your angels really want you to hear that you need to leave a situation in which you feel stuck. It's time to go.The purpose of this situation has been served, and you are being energetically reassigned to a new situation that needs your presence.The ego may argue that you don't have enough money, time, or other external commodities to make this change.

Yet your angels are saying thatthere's something better for you.The spiritual is more important for you than the material, and you are not willing to compromise or sell out your values.Today, spend time in prayer gathering your strength, motivation, courage, and clarity about moving on.When you commit to making a positive change, the universe responds with opportunities coming your way.

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