Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Now you can know anybody's age without even asking

Now you can know anybody's age without even asking

According to scientists, through the forehead lines of a person, his/her age can be traced. For this, attention should be given on the person’s forehead frontal position, size - type, color and smoothness.The shubh lalat in each line on forehead increases 25 percent age and the ashubh lalat in each line decrease the same amount of age. People can know about how long will they live just by looking at their foreheads in mirror.

A person who has 2 full lines on his forehead, he lives up to 60 years. If the lines are very clear, then the person earns a lot of wealth and respect in the society. If the lines are not straight and are cut in between, the person faces a lot of trouble in life.On a normal forehead if there are three lines, then the person lives up to 75 years.

If on the nimna lilat a person has four lines on his forehead, he lives up to 75 years.If the forehead has more than five lines or more then the person’s age is medium. If there are no lines on the forehead, then in the age-group of 25 to 40, a person suffers from illness.If the two forehead lines corners touch each other,then the person’s age is 60 years.

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