Monday 29 February 2016

Money and Wealth Potential in Natal Chart.

Money and Wealth Potential in Natal Chart.

Money and wealth is one of the main topics that are interesting for many clients who come to us. Many people ask if they have a positive cash flow,earn good money by themselves or inherit it. It's possible to discover what a potential an individual has using their natal charts. Of course, in order to become a rich and happy person, it's not enough to have the potentials, but also to takesome paints for realization the ideas and to strive to make money. No doubt, you can be rich if you have the following characteristicsrequired: intellectual ability, will to victory and industry for reaching the goals.Readings1. First of all we start our readings with analyzingthe conditions of "money" houses in the natal chart of a client. These houses are the following:II house - our financial situation and attitude towards money and stuff we possess;VIII house - money and assets of our spouses or partners;IX house - money and assets received from our business and carrier.NOTE: These houses show a lot of other things, but our interest is now focused on material and financial topics.

The rulers of these houses take some special places in the charts, so the situation can be revealed after analyzing these rulers: their places,aspects and positions by signs and houses.Examples: A client finds his II house (in Virgin) ruler Mercury (in Gemini) in his X house conjunct to his Sun with trine to Moon (VI house) and sextile to Mars and Saturn (XII house). These factors give a good potential for a money maker - meteorical career and good material situation. His Mercury in Gemini is strong enough, but givessome levity in his money spending. Favorable aspects to Saturn show a stable situation with hisearnings and Mars reveals his ability to earn. Conjunction with Sun (ruler of Asc) shows his striving to make money and his creative interest in this process. The ruler of the VI house - Saturn in sextile with Mercury is found in his XII house that says about the closed organization he works in and his unofficial incomes.Pay attention to the planets found within the house. If you have a full II house, it is a sign that money and material wealth play an important role in the life of this individual and he will be stimulated to earn and accumulate money.

If his VIII house is full, he is likely to receive inheritanceor his partner or spouse will help, or money is received due to investments.Don't forget to analyze the sign on the cusp of II and VIII houses. This sign may give you a lot of interesting information on what an attitude a person has to his or his partners' money.Examples: If you have a cusp of your II house in the Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), you can receive fast results in your endeavors to make money, but it can be as positive results as negative ones. In Earth signs (Taurus, Virgin, Capricorn) a person has enough patience for reaching the goals. In Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) a person is interested in the intellectualside of his work and money making and he takes it easy. Accumulating the fortune is difficult for them. Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pieces) require emotional satisfaction from work and money making. A person looks for satiability and some times forgets about the common sense, thus there can be imbalance in his financial situation.2. Secondly, we analyze the condition of Jupiter (planet that gives wealth and prosperity) and Venus - a natural ruler of the II house. A good sign for attracting money is favorable aspects of these plates to rulers of these houses or their positions in these houses. Lucky persons have any aspect between these two planets. They can earn money, receive good inheritance or win in a lottery.

Examples: Venus in the II house makes an individual earn money for living in material comfort, because it's very important for him. He loves money and beautiful stuff, so he has a strong drive to make money to live in great splendor. Jupiter in the II house makes people earn for receiving respect and becoming very important persons. As the greatest benefactor, Jupiter gives a lot.Participation of the superior planets is important. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in favorable aspects (especially conjunctions) to Venus and/or Jupitermay bring wealth.3. The ruler of Ascendant plays a role here. This planet is always important, no matter what segment of the life you wish to analyze. In this case we analyze its condition by place, sign and aspects and its relationship with the rulers of II and VIII houses. This planet "turns on" the potentials of the houses and emphases this sector of the life for a person.Examples:A client has his ruler of Ascendant Sun in conjunction with Mercury, ruler of his II house, in his X house in favorable aspects. He has luck in career and earns good money through his senior position. His path was not too much hard due to the good aspects. Rising Leo makes him a leader and he always goes to his goals with a strong desire to rule.Why we can be rich or poor?The natal chart shows whether you can earn good money in your life, inherit some assets or allthe life long you will be in need. The situation can be always changed, because everyone has his/her own free will and free choice, but unfortunately, some people have less luck than others and therefore, can be less happy.

They need to spend much more forces for easy actions, while for others it's much easier! Some people aregood workers, live in a material stability, but they are not rich at all, since have no goal to accumulate wealth and prefer to live their lives here and now. In this case they can, but don't become rich. So, the potential they have they don't wish to use consciously.

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