Tuesday 16 February 2016

Guru Chandal Yoga and Remedies

Guru Chandal Yoga and Remedies

Guru Chandal Yoga is considered an inauspicious Yoga. When Jupiter (Guru) is in conjunctionconjunctionDefinition: Within 8 degrees of arc....with Rahu, or he is posited with Gulika, or Jupiter is aspected by RahuRahuDefinition: Dragon’s head, used in Indian Vedic astrology....or Ketu, we call it GuruGuruDefinition: Jupiter....Chandal Yoga. It should be noted that Jupiter must be weak or debilitated, in this case.The effects of Guru Chandal Yoga in different housesDifferent results of this Yoga are obtained due to conjunction of Guru with Rahu(Jupiter with Dragon''s head)or Jupiter with KetuKetuDefinition:

Dragon’s tail, used in Indian astrology....in different houseshousesDefinition: These are twelve sections of zodiac circle having 360° numbered clockwise Ascendant is known as the first house and the last house is known as the twelfth house Each house represents specific traits used for prediction....of astrological natalnatalDefinition:

Birth, natal chart is used for birth chart....charts and influence of beneficbeneficDefinition: planets having natural beneficial and positive influences, opposite to malefic....or maleficmaleficDefinition: Unfavorable, opposite of benefic....aspectsaspectsDefinition: Angular distances between planets, based on zodiacal longitudes, calculated in specific degrees, viz trine, square, represent relationship between two planets Planets generally influence 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th house due to their aspect....(Dristi) characteristicsand positions of other planets present in these houses.

Guru chandal yoga is not always inauspicious. If a combination of a benefic Jupiter and a benefic Ketu is present in an individual's astrological birth chartbirth chartDefinition: A diagram showing exact position of planets in signs at timeof birth of an individual prepared with the help of time, date and place of birth....forming Ganesha Yoga, the nativenativeDefinition: One who takes birth, this word is used for astrology purpose....may become a celebrity due to strong influence ofsuch beneficial yoga and is always remembered for his/her administration or contribution to the nation.Pt. J.L.Nehru, first prime minister of India is one of the example of such yoga.Rahu and Jupiter are forming Guru Chandal Yoga,in LeoLeoDefinition: Simha...in 2016 As Rahu will be transiting into Leo on January 29, 2016, it will be in conjunction with well placed auspicious planet Jupiter, which is Jupiter's friendly sign, there will be Guru Chandal Yoga in planetary transittransitDefinition: Movement of planets in the sky in real time....from January 29, 2016 till August 11th, 2016.If the combination of a benefic Jupiter and a benefic Rahu is present in an individual's astrological chart, this combination has a beneficaspect of one or more planets, such kind of Guru Chandal yoga may produce good results.In the astrological birth chart of a person, the effects of Guru Chandal Yoga differ with reference to the power or strength of Jupiter (Guru) and Rahu(dragon''s head) or Jupiter and Ketu. The effects also vary with the nature of sign and Bhava(house), involved in the yoga, in the birth chart of a person.1st HouseIf this Yoga is in Ascendant (Definition: Rising of a zodiac sign on the eastern horizon at the time ofbirth, placed in horoscope of a native, as 1st house is most important in calculation and prediction. ...)(Lagna), moral character of the person will be questionable. The person will be self-centered, ungrateful, but regarding money matters he/she will be lucky. When yoga is strong, the person willhave no regard for spiritual values. If Jupiter is strong and benefic, the person will be well behaved and learned.2nd HouseIf Jupiter is beneficial, individual will be wealthy, if Jupiter is malefic, there is indication for, worries,disputes in the family, mental stress, financial losses.3rd HouseThe native will be very courageous, born leader. IfJupiter is malefic or aspected by Mars(Definition: Mangal...) the native will be curt in spoken language, even the native may be notorious.4th HouseNative will be sharp witted and convince others easily. Person will have own house or property, if aspected by benefic planets. If Jupiter is malefic, there will be disturbances in family life.5th HouseIf Jupiter is malefic or afflicted, then there may be troubles in having children or troubles through children. If Jupiter is benefic and powerful, the native will be learned, well-educated and lucky regarding progeny.6th HouseThe native will achieve success and wealth; however, there can be issues with health. If Jupiter and Rahu are aspected by afflicted (Definition: A planet having unfavorable aspect....)Mars, the native will criticize his own religion or community and the family life may be disturbed.7th HouseIf Jupiter is afflicted by malefic planets, there will be troubles in married life. The partner may not betrustworthy, only in that case in which other powerful beneficial yoga is not present in the horoscope(Definition: synonym birth chart, prepared with date, time and place of birth of an individual....)to balance the malefic effect.8th HouseIf Jupiter is malefic or debilitated, accidents, injuries or destruction is indicated during periodsand sub periods of Jupiter or malefic planets, especially Rahu's periods.9th HouseThe native will achieve success through all means. If Jupiter is malefic, then the native's success is questionable or there may be delay. There may be bad impression related to his father.10th HouseA person born under Guru Chandal Yoga in the tenth house will lack moral courage but there will be no obstruction in getting wealth and material prosperity. He will own many houses and commercial properties and gain through business.11th HouseIf this Yoga is in the eleventh house, there will be influx of money, though the money may come through wrong channels.

The native will get wealth not only from his/her father but also from many sources, own lots of property and certainly enjoy a comfortable and luxurious life. This kind of yoga may be considered best among all kinds of Guru Chandal Yoga.12th HouseIf this Yoga is in the twelfth house, spiritual aspirations may be directed towards wrong channels and the persons have a peculiar way of thinking about various things, which may not be right or what they think is always wrong. When Jupiter and Rahu conjunction is aspected by Mars (Mangal), the person becomes extremely critical of his own religion, caste or family.When Jupiter is strong and occupies a benefic or favorable house (Bhava),aspected by one or more benefic planets, the Yoga becomes defunct and malefic effects of Guru- Chandal yoga are minimized. If aspected by benefic planets, then native will be very active in religious activities.RemediesRemedies prescribed to alleviate the evils of Guru Chandal Yoga are as follows:- Meditation and regular practice of yoga/Pranayama in the morning or evening under an experienced Yoga teacher.- Abstaining from Rajsi and Tamasik food and only having Satvik (good, pure) food will help in alleviating the evils of Guru Chandal Yoga.- One should donate food to dogs.- One should increase involvement in religious activities and visit religious places.- One should recite /chant any one of the following Guru Mantras, 108 times to please and enhance the power of Guru(Jupiter):"Om brim brihaspataye namah""Om vrim brihaspataye namah""Om Shreem Brahm Brihaspataye Namah""Om graam greem graum sah guruve namah"- One should actively involve in charity to aged and needy people. If possible take good care of elderly persons. This is the most effective remedy to alleviate the ill effects of Guru Chandal Yoga.Guru Chandal Yoga in Leo in 2016Jupiter(Guru) entered into sign Leo (Simha) on July 14, 2015, forming a significant Yoga known as Singhastha Guru. Jupiter will be in retrograde When a planet is considered moving backwards in astrology A retrograde planet has less energy or strength....motion from January 9, 2016 to May 9, 2016. During the four month's period Jupiter will not be so powerful and favorable. Rahu is transiting intoLeo from Virgo on January 29th evening, 2016 and will be in conjunction with well placed auspicious planet Jupiter in its friendly sign Leo till August 11th, 2016, forming Guru Chandal Yoga in Leo till 11th August 2016.The transit of Rahu in Leo is considered good for the Moon signs: Gemini (3rd house) Libra (11th house) and Pisces (6th house) and inauspicious or neutral in all other signs, if no auspicious planet is posited with Rahu.Aspects of auspicious and powerful planets also minimize the adverse effects of Jupiter- Rahu’s transit in conjunction or Guru Chandal Yoga. Guru Chandal Yoga in Leo will not produce bad results for those who have powerful Jupiter posited in their birth charts or they are going through favorable planetary Mahadasha and Antardasha during the period of Guru Chandal Yoga.The effects of Guru Chandal yoga on 12 Moon signs in 2016 due to the transit of Jupiter and Rahu in LeoAries: Those born with Aries Moon sign will be in mental stress. There are indications for educationrelated obstacles during the transit of Guru and Rahu in the same sign and constellation, forming Guru Chandal Yoga from. However, they will be able to achieve the success through their hard work. Parents will be hurt through the progeny due to the disobedience and difference of opinion.For some, there is an indication for birth of a grandchild.Taurus: People born with Taurus Moon sign will be in mental stress, both at family and professional front. There will be obstacles and hardships in undertakings. There are indications for losses in different spheres of life at times. One has to increase the efforts to attain the desired success.Gemini: Hard work, self determination and increased efforts will bring success to Gemini Moon sign born natives. Saturn’s transit in 6th house will increase the success. They may get new finance and career growth related opportunities.Cancer: Rahu and Guru’s conjunction in transit, forming Guru Chandal Yoga in their second house from January 29, 2016 till August 11, 2016is considered unfavorable for Cancer Moon sign born natives as far as financial position is concerned. New financial investments should be avoided during this period. A healthy relationshipwith other family members should be maintained and use of harsh speech should be avoided, as this will worsen the situation.Leo: Good period for those born with Leo Moon Sign as Jupiter is well placed and will do favor asfar as the educational field is concerned. Some study and career related good changes may be predicted for them. Guru Chandal Yoga will give career related good results for Leo born natives.Virgo: Those born with Virgo Moon sign may facedifferent kinds of problems as Rahu and Guru are transiting in conjunction in sign Leo, in the 12th house from Virgo (house for expenses). Increase in expenditure, loss of wealth and position is indicated. Travel to Abroad countries is not ruled out.

There may be gains and increase in income at times, as Saturn is transiting in 3rd house from Virgo Moon sign.Libra: Though Libra Moon sign born persons are under last phase of Sade Sati, they will avail new opportunities as Guru Chandal Yoga is in 11th house, the house for income. Chances of promotion in job may be predicted. Investment in new ventures will be successful and profitable. There are indications for progeny related problems due to the bad aspect from Rahu and Jupiter in conjunction.Scorpio: Scorpions are under the adverse impact of Saturn’s Sade Sati. Saturn is transiting in their 1st house and has its aspect on 10th house, the house for career. Guru Chandal yoga is also present in 10th house due to the transit of Rahu and Jupiter in sign Leo. Chances of professional success are bright though might come from unfair means. Change in job may be indicated.Sagittarius: Sagittarius born natives are under the effect of the 1st phase of Sade Sati as Saturn is transiting in Scorpio, the 12th house (house for expenditure). Guru Chandal Yoga will be present in the house for luck, in Leo, from January 30, 2016. As Jupiter has an auspicious aspect on Chandra Lagna (Sagittarius) the bad effects of Guru Chandal Yoga will be minimized. The nativemay face obstacles in undertakings from January29, evening, 2016 to August 11, 2016 but Jupiter’s auspicious aspect will be helpful in reducing the bad effects of Guru Chandal Yoga. If running Mahadasha and Antardasha are also favorable in the horoscope, all sorts of problems will be minimized.Capricorn: Moon sign born persons from January29, 2016 till August 11, 2016, there may be health issues. Regular health check up should be maintained. Saturn’s transit in 11th house will behelpful in increasing the personal income, professional and financial status. There will be gains at times.Aquarius: Those born with Aquarius Moon sign will experience differences and strained relations with spouse during Guru Chandal yoga period, in the 7th house, due to the transit of Guru and Rahu,forming Guru Chandal Yoga. Hot discussions should be avoided.

Efforts should be made to maintain healthy relationship with the spouse or the partner. Health of self or spouse will not be good. Proper health check up should be maintained during this period.Pisces: Pisces born persons will gain through their job or business. Guru Chandal Yoga will be present in their 6th house from January 29, 2016. There are chances of career related good changesfor self or spouse. There are indications for increase in income and all round prosperity. Success in undertakings may be predicted, though delayed.

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