Thursday 28 January 2016


I'm crying as I write this because my heart is overwhelmed and in pain for the women who don't yet embrace, see clearly and understand how fucking amazing they are. 
This is for the women who haven't yet cleared out the message that they aren't good enough or deserve more. 
This is for the women who are still settling for the love they 'get' rather than the love they desire and deserve. 
It is time to stop, to breathe and to find the strength deep inside and the support needed to walk away. 
Walk away from the man who tells you you're 'crazy' when you cry or express emotion. 
Walk away from the man who calls you names, belittles you, puts you down or mocks you.
Walk away from the man who won't commit to you after 4 years of back and forth, broken promises and numerous break ups.
Walk away from a man who just 'isn't ready' 
Walk away from a man who looses his temper and yells, screams or hits you. 
Walk away from the man who's words don't CONSISTENTLY align with his actions.
Walk away from the man who doesn't honour and respect your feminine intuition.
Walk away from the man who won't love and accept your children like his own.

Walk away from the man who only contacts you when he's bored or has nothing better to do. 
Walk away from the man who doesn't take the time to get to know every inch and curve of your body.
Walk away from the man who doesn't make you feel like the most beautiful, desirable, loveable, magical, powerful goddess walking this earth. 
I am not minimizing how hard it is to finally let go and walk away but I'm telling you from personal experience it is worth it. 
Sending love and strength.

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